About Us

Forward Edge is a 501(c)3 relief and development organization based in Vancouver, WA with international programs in eight different countries.

Our Vision

is to see people around the world overcome spiritual and material poverty through Jesus Christ.

Our Mission

is to transform the lives of children trapped in poverty through Christ-centered, holistic care.



We listen to God because we want to join His plans, not ask Him to join ours. We also listen to others (especially those we’re serving) because wisdom is found in humility and diverse counsel. Humble prayer is at the heart of every task, every meeting, every workday, and every decision.   

Proverbs 3:6, John 5:19 

Faith in Action

The gospel is both word and action. You cannot have one without the other. Declaring and demonstrating the good news of Jesus Christ has always been – and will always be – at the heart of everything we do.

James 2:14-18, Romans 10:14-15


It all starts with children. They are the present and the future. Our programs equip and empower children to flourish and become gospel-centered agents of change in their families and communities for generations to come. 

Matthew 19:14, Proverbs 22:6


We do things with people instead of for them. We fuel the vision and dreams of local leaders who know best how to empower their own. Our aim is to help every person pursue the good works God prepared uniquely for them.  

Ephesians 4:16, 1 Corinthians 12:4-7 

Trusted Relationships

Our God is relational and loves to advance His work through meaningful relationships. We serve one another, care for one another, work with one another, and dream with one another. We always prioritize people over projects because nothing else in this world will continue into eternity. 

John 13:35, Colossians 3:1-2, 12-14 

Children's Programs


Many families struggle to meet their basic needs. We’re feeding children both physically and spiritually.


Bringing hope to children in desperate need of the gospel.


Providing hope and help to vulnerable children, some of whom are trapped in a form of domestic slavery called restavek.


Providing holistic care to children in the rural community of Kijabe who are especially vulnerable to being orphaned and suffer from severe poverty and malnutrition.


Families in Kosova are still trying to rebuild their lives after war. We’re giving practical help to children and hope for a better future.


Serving extremely poor families in Olimpo on the outskirts of Oaxaca, Mexico.


There are many in need in Nicaragua. We are reaching the next generation of boys and girls with the love of Christ.


Children in the slums of Uganda, many of whom are orphans, are given tools to build brighter futures through our Light a Candle program.

1. We believe in God the Father, who through Christ created the heavens and earth, who is perfect in holiness, infinite in wisdom, measureless in power.

2. We believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son, fully God and fully man, conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, sinless in this life, making atonement for the sins of the world by His death on the cross.

3. We believe in His resurrection, His ascension into heaven, and His high-priestly intercession for His people that they may experience full salvation and His indwelling presence.

4. We believe in His personal, visible return to earth according to His promise.

5. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Godhead, sent to convict the world of sin, and to regenerate, sanctify and empower those who believe in Jesus Christ.

6. We believe that all people by nature and by choice are sinners, but that God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.

7. We believe that those who put their faith in Christ as Lord and Savior will rejoice in God’s presence for eternity, but those who refuse to put their trust in Him will be forever separated from Him.

8. We believe that the Bible is God’s Word, divinely and uniquely inspired, absolutely trustworthy, and having supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.

9. We believe in the Church, the body of Christ, of which Christ Himself is the Head, and of which all regenerated people are members.

10. We believe that Christ commissioned the Church to proclaim the gospel in word and deed throughout the world, to encourage believers in the faith, and to teach and train believers in the principles of godly, fruitful living.

11. We believe God created human beings male and female in His image, and designed sexual relations to be experienced only in the context of marriage between one biological man and one biological woman. These parameters were created to help us reflect His unique characteristics and understand Christ’s devoted relationship to His Church. Only when we embrace them can we flourish under His created order (Gen. 1:26-28; 2:24; Matt. 19:1-11; 1 Cor. 6:9; Eph. 5:22-33; Heb. 13:4). This position also aligns with the cultural perspectives in our program locations, increasing unity as we serve together.


For the first 22 years of our history, we were primarily a short-term missions agency engaged in a wide range of ministry activities. In 2005, following Hurricane Katrina in the Gulf Coast, Forward Edge transitioned into a full-fledged relief and development organization with ongoing field programs directed by local leaders in some of the world’s poorest countries. The majority of our short-term missionaries now serve in locations where we have ongoing children’s programs, including Cuba, Haiti, Ghana, Kenya, Kosova, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Uganda. 

This unique history has positioned us to not only understand what it takes to engage in effective, cross-cultural development, but also provide meaningful mission opportunities that strategically support ongoing programs in the field and contribute towards lasting change. We invite you to be part of God’s unique work through Forward Edge! 

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Our first mission team serves in Prato, Italy, ministering to recovering drug addicts and sharing the Gospel in the local piazzas.

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Teams help construct children’s homes in Guatemala and Nicaragua.

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Dental teams provide care in the remote highlands of Guatemala.

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Our first medical team serves in Nicaragua.

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Evangelism teams serve in the UK, China, Cuba, Russia, Romania, numerous Summer Olympic Games, and among unreached people groups in Nepal and Tibet.

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Our first disaster-recovery team serves in Florida following Hurricane Andrew.

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Teams serve on Native American reservations, including the Crow (Montana), Navajo (New Mexico), and White Mountain Apache (Arizona).

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After the 1999 Balkan War, teams come to the aid of widows and orphans in Kosova.

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Teams serve the materially poor in Oaxaca, Mexico by pouring concrete floors and performing cataract-removal surgeries that restore sight to the blind.

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Following 9/11, teams serve at ground zero in NYC, preparing meals for workers, and manning “prayer stations” nearby.

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Over 3,000 team members help Hurricane Katrina survivors rebuild on the Gulf Coast.

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Our first children’s program begins in Nicaragua as a home for girls rescued from Managua’s largest open-air garbage dump and we drill wells on the Atlantic coast providing safe drinking water to thousands. We begin our second children’s program in Kijabe, Kenya.

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Our children’s program in Oaxaca, Mexico launches, and over 1,000 team members serve in Haiti after the devastating earthquake.

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Our children’s program in Cuba launches, and a partnership forms with The Transformation Center serving the homeless and vulnerable in Baltimore, MD.

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We begin our children’s program in Les Cayes, Haiti, serving children at risk of entering restavek, a form of domestic slavery.

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Our new children’s program in Kampala, Uganda launches, serving over 400 children living in slums, and we reach 20,000 short term missionaries sent!

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Domestic disaster-recovery teams serve fire, flood, tornado, and hurricane survivors in Alabama, Colorado, Kentucky, Missouri, New York, Oklahoma, Oregon, Tennessee, Texas, West Virginia, Puerto Rico, and Florida. Also, international disaster-recovery teams serve in the Philippines, Mexico, Haiti, and Nepal.

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Our children’s programs in northern Ghana and Kosova begin.

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Our Founder

Forward Edge International was founded by Joseph Anfuso in 1983 through the conviction and inspiration of Ephesians 2:10: “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Joseph’s passion was to help each Christ-follower hear and respond to God’s call.   

Learn more about Joseph >>


We are committed to transparency and to responsibly managing the support entrusted to us. Through extensive program evaluation, strategic planning, and board governance, we leverage contributions for maximum impact.

Annual Tax Form 990

2022 | 20212020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016

Audited Financials

2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016

Past Reports

You can trust that you're making a real and lasting impact.


Only 15% of your gift to our programs will be set aside for administration and fundraising costs.



Our children’s programs have proven effective towards long-term, holistic transformation.



Your investment empowers credible nationals caring for their own people & community.