Tim Ainley joined the Forward Edge staff in the spring of 2010. He cherishes his beautiful wife, Ashley, and four wonderful children, Lamaya, Cambria, Gideon and Boaz. Tim got the itch for ministry growing up as a pastor’s son in a Christ-following home, and has served in ministry for most of his adult life. Anyone who meets Tim discovers that he’s passionate about Jesus, his family and friends, missions, adoption, discipleship and camping ministry. Tim also enjoys traveling, sports, Star Wars, and playing board games.
What drew you to the mission of Forward Edge? God has always given me a soft spot for children and for people who are forgotten. I love that Forward Edge serves those people. I also love the “why” behind what Forward Edge does – to help people live what they were created for, which is to join Him in doing good works (Eph. 2:10). I love the idea of worshiping God with others by doing what we were created to do together.
If you could have dinner with any person in history (excluding Jesus) who would it be and why? Probably James, the brother of Jesus. It would be cool to hear stories about Jesus growing up. I’d also want to hear how he changed his mind about Jesus and what it was like starting the Church with Peter. My second choice would probably be Robin Williams.
What is something about you others are often surprised to learn? I can juggle and ride a unicycle. I used to be able to do both at the same time. Not sure I can anymore, though; it’s been years since I’ve tried.
After spending most of her career in the computer software industry, God has fulfilled a verse He placed on Nancy’s heart, Isaiah 54, through Forward Edge. Her heart is to bless and support vulnerable children throughout the world with the love of Jesus. Nancy has participated in mission teams to Missippi, Uganda, Haiti, and Oaxaca Mexico – some multiple times including teams to Oaxaca with Forward Edge three times (and counting). Her church has supported Forward Edge since Hurricane Katrina and Nancy grew to love the holistic, community-focused, gospel-living mission of Forward Edge. As Isaiah 54 states, she looks forward to God’s blessing for Forward Edge to help more families when we “Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. For you will spread out to the right and to the left.”
If you could have dinner with any person in history (except Jesus) who would it be and why? My mom – she passed away when I was twelve and I would love to talk with her woman to woman now that I am grown up.
What is something about you others are often surprised to learn? I played harp in Junior High and High School --- pedal harps are as heavy as they look.
Tim has spent most of his life in Portland, Oregon, with the exception of his early childhood in Hawaii. A Certified Public Accountant. Tim held a variety of accounting positions in the Distribution and Service industries, preparing him for his duties as Forward Edge’s controller. Tim put his “hands-on” skills to use in the mission field when he served in Guatemala helping with the construction of a church. All three of Tim’s children have benefited from short-term mission work as well. Tim and his wife Marcia have been married for 38 years. They have three children and five grandchildren.
What drew you to the mission of Forward Edge? The opportunity to apply my talents and experience through Forward Edge to impact the lives, and eternities, of those in need.
If you could have dinner with any person in history (excluding Jesus) who would it be and why? Richard Henry Dana, Jr.: An attorney who worked as a common sailor on a merchant marine ship in the 1830’s. He later invested his wealth into the care of retired sailors and the evangelizing of those on the high seas. Author of “Two Years before the Mast”.
What is something about you others are often surprised to learn? I’ve written a novel, and book #2 is in progress of a planned trilogy.
Driven by compassion for Kosovar widows in late 2000 after serving on a short-term mission trip with ForwardEdge, Sheri and her husband, David, have continued to return to the Balkans and elsewhere to facilitate short term teams. They love coming alongside those sharing the love of Jesus in their own countries. In 2005, they, along with their 3 kids, moved toAlbania for a year-long assignment recording and supporting the Albanian worship community.
Now in the empty nest phase of life, they continue their day jobs, enjoy adventures with their married kids and 6 grandkids, and remain passionate to see God's redemptive work in and through ordinary people in the local and global church.
What drew you to the mission of Forward Edge?
The fact that God uses ordinary people to serve him with whatever they have!
If you could have dinner with any person in history (except Jesus) who would it be and why?
I would have dinner with my grandpa who died before I fully understood the power of prayer. A farmer and rural college maintenance man, tennis champ, and traveling worship leader himself (he played the saw!), I've heard stories all my life of his dedication to prayer for his family — I'd like to thank him and continue to learn from him.
What is something about you others are often surprised to learn?
People are usually surprised that I'm an engineer and got to work in San Diego right next to the dock where the Navy dolphins trained.
Jeff has been passionate about missions since his first mission trip to the jungle highlands of Papua New Guinea in 1987. From that point on, his life would never be the same. Since then he has served on short-term teams in over 16 countries. Jeff, along with his wife Kris, started working full-time with Forward Edge in 2006, coordinating volunteers in the Gulf Coast after Hurricane Katrina for three years. When that assignment was completed, they served in Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua for three-and-a-half years. In 2013, they moved to the Vancouver, Washington area to serve in Forward Edge’s International Headquarters.
What drew you to the mission of Forward Edge? I was first exposed to Forward Edge through my son’s mission trip to Mexico in 1991 because our youth pastor worked part time for FEI as a Youth Team Coordinator. Our best friends, Don and Donna Moen, also invited us to attend Forward Edge’s annual benefit dinners and retreats where we learned to value the principles Joseph and Karen Anfuso lived and Forward Edge taught.
If you could have dinner with any person in history (excluding Jesus) who would it be and why? I would like to have dinner with Martin Luther and discuss with him how God inspired him to risk it all and say “yes” to Jesus’ calling on his life.
What is something about you others are often surprised to learn? That I’m an avid motorcycle rider.
TyAnn was raised and lived in sunny Southern California until 1995. In the aftermath of the infamous Northridge earthquake in 1994, she moved to Oregon to be near her sister and family. She loves the Pacific Northwest and now feels like a native Oregonian. After accepting Christ as a teenager, God began to put on TyAnn’s heart a burden for children living in poverty. She has since sponsored several children through various charitable organizations, done volunteer work and participated in short term mission trips to help spread the love of Jesus.
What drew you to the mission of Forward Edge? Over the last few years I realized that God was calling me to a still deeper involvement in missions work and I began to explore vocational opportunities. Through a series of divine appointments I was introduced to Forward Edge, and with an extensive administrative background, a passion for children, and a timely job-opening, I became a staff member shortly thereafter.
If you could have dinner with any person in history (excluding Jesus) who would it be and why? Well, since it can’t be Jesus, I’ll pick the apostle whom He loved, John. I love John’s heart in his writings and he would be the expert on all things Jesus. I’d also love to hear about Revelation directly from his lips and be able to ask him questions.
What is something about you others are often surprised to learn? I’ve been on TV a few times!
Melanie is married to her husband Kevin whom she met while attending Multnomah Bible College, and together they have two daughters in high school. Melanie has always had a passion for making a difference in the lives of others, specifically those in difficult circumstances. Her life has been greatly influenced by the love of Jesus and she desires others to find this hope as well. She and her family sponsor four children in three countries, and they love any opportunity to visit them. Anyone who knows Melanie agrees that she thrives on organization and detail, which explains why she loves using these skills in her roles at Forward Edge.
What drew you to the mission of Forward Edge? I have always had a passion for helping others, specifically children and those who are hurting. I love that I can use my skills to make an eternal difference in the lives of people around the world.
If you could have dinner with any person in history (except Jesus) who would it be and why? Probably Abraham. It would be amazing to talk with him about his faith, as he trusted God in obedience with the life of his son. I can imagine he'd enjoy telling stories of what it was like to see God provide and bless him afterward.
What is something about you others are often surprised to learn? I love skydiving, extreme rollercoasters, and bungee jumping.
Desi is a Northwest native with a passion for connecting people and advancing God's Kingdom. She is married to Jason, and together they have four wonderful children. With degrees in Cultural Anthropology and Sociology, she has a deep appreciation for cultures, communities, and uniting the global Church. She has led and participated in mission teams to Nicaragua, Mexico, and Kenya. Through communications and marketing, she integrates her passions into her career—helping expand and equip the Forward Edge Family to further God's work around the world.
What drew you to the mission of Forward Edge?
I went on my first mission trip with Forward Edge to their Central America program, and it was a life-changing experience. God moved in powerful ways, and I was immediately drawn to the work He is doing through the people at Forward Edge. It’s truly a Spirit-led mission, and it’s easy to see God’s hand in everything we do.
If you could have dinner with any person in history (excluding Jesus), who would it be and why?
Paul. I just love him! He’s a little unconventional—kind of like me. He’s direct, has a complicated past, yet knew Christ so intimately. I’d love to ask him what he saw in the third heaven. Think he’d tell me?
What is something about you that others are often surprised to learn?
That I walked away from my faith for 10 years and have a pretty shocking salvation story. Also that I have four kids. What? God said be fruitful and multiply!
DaLynn grew up in the church and accepted Jesus at a young age. Her father was a minister in a small town where he served not just the church but the entire community. She watched her parents feed, clothe, shelter and welcome anyone who walked through the door. When not at home, she would spend time with her Uncle’s family, also pastoring and serving their community with the same vigor. Her grandmothers were known for giving meals to the homeless for the price of listening to them tell a story about the one who cares for them most. These examples of true “one-anothering” (lived out every day) provided DaLynn with a natural training ground for hosting, serving and planning. No matter what type of event she is working, she sees herself as the host. Her heart is to bring people together, and help them feel cherished. DaLynn is married to Stephen Oglesby, and together they have four children between them, Elijah, Alexander, Zachary and Molly Anne. They spend many weekends hiking the trails of the Columbia River Gorge, and of course, going right up to the edge.
What drew you to the mission of Forward Edge? I have known about Forward Edge for a number of years as my cousins and a few friends have regularly served on mission teams to Haiti. I was never able to go myself, but always felt part of the process as we raised funds and put together gifts for the children they encountered. Stephen and I both have a passion for children and had been waiting to see where we’d be led. We had the privilege of attending the 2016 Fall Benefit Dinner and knew immediately that we had to get involved. Hearing the stories and seeing firsthand what the ministry of Forward Edge does to impact the lives of the vulnerable changed everything for me. I realized that I too could be part of changing someone’s story. That evening stirred in me a new desire to use my gifts and talents in a meaningful way. I began to specifically seek God’s direction, and the next leg of the journey began. I will always be grateful for the person who dropped that invitation on my husband’s desk. Thanks Gordon!
If you could have dinner with any person in history (excluding Jesus) who would it be and why? Laura Ingles Wilder, but I want three dinners please, one when she was a child, one when she got married and one just before she passed. I want to know how she felt about all that she experienced.
What is something about you others are often surprised to learn? I collect hymnals, the older the better.
Taylor has been passionate about missions and spreading the love of Jesus since high school. He graduated from Eastern Washington University in 2016 with a bachelor’s degree in International Affairs and has spent most of his professional career working in nonprofits. Taylor is married to his beautiful wife Kate, and they have a daughter, Talulah. Taylor loves to create music, go hiking, and spend time with his friends and family.
What drew you to the mission of Forward Edge?
I feel like God has been leading me to Forward Edge ever since my first mission trip to Haiti in 2013. I am inspired by the holistic approach to mission and community development at Forward Edge and I am so thankful to be a part of what God is doing through this organization.
If you could have dinner with any person in history (excluding Jesus) who would it be and why?
I would have dinner with the Apostle John because he's my favorite of the gospel authors.
What is something about you others are often surprised to learn?
People are usually surprised when they find out I am in a metal band.
Bethany has always had a passion to help others. In high school, she served on two mission trips to Mexico, where she and her classmates helped build a home for a local family and gave many piggy-back rides to children in the neighborhood. After graduating from Biola University with a degree in English Writing, God called Bethany back to the Vancouver area, where she had grown up. She is grateful God has opened the door to participate in the life-transforming work of Forward Edge. Bethany enjoys cooking with her husband and sous-chef Matt, sitting under a warm blanket to read or crochet, and hosting board game nights with friends.
What drew you to the mission of Forward Edge?
I love how deeply Forward Edge values children, and wants each child to flourish physically and spiritually, knowing they are loved by God. Hearing stories of how God uses ordinary people to accomplish this work continually moves me to tears.
If you could have dinner with any person in history (excluding Jesus) who would it be and why?
I would like to have dinner with C.S. Lewis, whose writings have greatly impacted me along my faith journey. His books display such astute observations about human desires and the heart of God that I can only imagine how insightful and encouraging a real dinner-time conversation would be.
What is something about you others are often surprised to learn?
I give really great book recommendations.
Allie grew up in Brush Prairie, WA. She served with her church’s youth group every autumn working with students on home winterization and community service teams on the Yakima Native American Reservation. She was raised with a strong sense of advocating and caring for the vulnerable. Previous to working at Forward Edge, she worked at a local church for 7 years and fell in love with graphic design, and stepped into a role managing their design and communications. She is brand new to involvement at Forward Edge but is eager to see where The Lord takes her on this journey. She is married to her husband Michael who owns a video production company. She has a miniature Goldendoodle named Honey Bea and loves to take her to the dog park.
What drew you to the mission of Forward Edge?
What really drew me to the mission of Forward Edge was seeing how faithfully they strive to make known His purpose for each extraordinary life in partnering with the local communities.
If you could have dinner with any person in history (excluding Jesus) who would it be and why?
I’d love to have dinner, or afternoon tea with L. Maude Montgomery, who wrote Anne of Green Gables. Her ability to tell a simple story and weave in hope and redemption inspires me.
What is something about you others are often surprised to learn?
I like to rewatch my favorite movies over and over to find things I haven’t noticed before. I also like to compare them to book versions of the story for accuracy. My husband calls me the nerdiest person he knows.
Paul has been involved in ministry and missions since his high school years. He and his wife, Ani, have been working closely with Forward Edge since 2010. From 2011 to 2020, Paul and Ani accepted a calling to serve as Field Staff in Managua, Nicaragua.
Prior to working with Forward Edge, Paul was a founding partner in a technology consulting firm. He now uses his business and technology skills to help manage technology operations at Forward Edge and other non-profits.
What drew you to the mission of Forward Edge? Through short-term trips to Nicaragua with Forward Edge, I understood that God uses short-term mission experiences to give His people a new worldview and a new heart for those in need. My wife and I were both drawn to simply live the mission God called us to, and Forward Edge has allowed us to live that mission and encourage others to do the same.
If you could have dinner with any person in history (excluding Jesus) who would it be and why? If not Jesus, it’d be a toss-up between Peter and Paul. I bet they both have some fascinating stories and answers to some deep questions.
What is something about you others are often surprised to learn? One thing that tends to amuse folks is how big of a role puppets (yes, puppets) have played in our lives. They brought me into the mission world, and even brought my wife and I together. I owe a lot to puppets :).
Jessica is the Executive Director of Mountain View Academy Charter School in Lowell, Oregon. In 2011, she helped found the program which would eventually become Mountain View Academy. Currently, her school serves 160 students in Pre-Kindergarten through 8th grade.
Jessica grew up in the Eugene/Springfield area. After high school, she went to George Fox University where she earned a degree in Elementary Education, a TESOL certification, and played soccer, softball, and track.
After graduation, Jessica started teaching at a local elementary school and began coaching soccer at Thurston High School (her alma mater). In 2012, her soccer team won the Oregon 6A Women’s Soccer State Championship. Even more amazing was that they used their season to support Forward Edge, through Play for Change. The athletes got sponsors and these sponsors made donations to Forward Edge based on how many goals were scored each week. They never lost a game. They scored more goals than any other season and God was glorified through this season.
In 2012, she went to Villa Esperanza with Forward Edge International. Through this trip, her life’s mission was clarified: Jesus, children, and education. Jessica returned home as someone who was much more focused on those three things and making sure that everything she said, “yes” to fell into one (or more) of those categories. Shortly after the mission trip, Jessica was contacted and asked to join FEI’s team of facilitators.
After facilitating a few teams to Villa Esperanza, an opportunity came up and Jessica became the intern at Villa Esperanza during team season. She spent two summers as the Villa Intern – facilitating teams, working with leadership, and working with the girls and their families.
When she is not working, Jessica loves to hike, paddle board, travel, spend time with family and friends, and facilitate Forward Edge teams. So far, Jessica has been to Villa Esperanza (so often, it feels like home), Trigo y Miel, and Puerto Rico. In March of 2023, she will be facilitating a team to Mama Beth’s – an FEI location in Kenya.
Lisa DaSilva is passionate about people, passionate about the world, and passionate about how the living and infallible Word of God can transform both. She grew up in Canada and graduated from Trinity Western University with a B.A. in Psychology and English before attending graduate school and obtaining a Masters degree in Education with a focus on social justice. After working in the school system for eight years, she left education to focus on her family but never ventured far from serving. Lisa has mentored numerous women in the faith, directed a ministry for mothers in her church, served on the school board, led Bible studies, and taught at Christian women’s events and gatherings locally and abroad. She first travelled to Nicaragua with Forward Edge in 2015, and was so impressed and inspired that she’s returned nearly every year since. She lives with her husband of 20 years and two teenage children in Vancouver, Washington.
What drew you to the mission of Forward Edge? I’ve always longed to see the marginalized and oppressed cared for in ways that empower and dignify, and love that Forward Edge does this through equipping and mobilizing members of the local community in areas where they serve. The mission to create opportunities “for people to discover their true worth and pursue God’s extraordinary purpose for their lives” resonates deeply with me. I want to be part of people awakening to His incredible call.
If you could have dinner with any person in history (except Jesus) who would it be and why? Corrie ten Boom. She’s an example of Christ-like love in action - Hiding Jews in her home during the Holocaust and encouraging other with biblical truth while jailed in a concentration camp. Her story of forgiveness towards soldiers and persecutors is inspiring.
What is something about you others are often surprised to learn? I’m a thrift store enthusiast. Other people’s junk really is my treasure.
Brad Fenison is the CEO and owner of The Pediment Group, Inc., a book publishing company in Battle Ground, Washington. He started the company in 1997 after 13 years in the newspaper industry as publisher of newspapers in Oregon, Washington and Minnesota. His company specializes in high-end, coffee-table books, including pictorial histories, sports championship books, and disaster books. Brad and his wife of, Wendy, have two grown children, Chris and Ashley, and eight grandchildren. Brad joined Forward Edge International’s board of directors in 2005.
What drew you to the mission of Forward Edge? Founder Joseph Anfuso and I had kids in the same private school and would get together over coffee to discuss Forward Edge. Joseph’s passion and vision for the mission of Forward Edge were inspiring and our discussions were always enjoyable and productive. In 2005 he asked me to consider serving on the board and I didn’t hesitate. It has been an honor to serve and to watch the organization grow.
John is a retired Salvation Army Major and one of the early Forward Edge board members. He has an MBA in Organizational Psychology and Development, and has worked with many Christian organizations over the years. He currently resides with his wife Lynda in Ridgefield, Washington.
What drew you to the mission of Forward Edge? I was very impressed with the vision of Joseph Anfuso and Forward Edge in getting members of local churches to participate in hands-on work with programs around the world. These volunteers provided encouragement and practical support, while at the same time sharing their faith and being exposed to the great needs around the world.
Jeff practiced law as a civil litigation trial attorney for over 43 years and continues to serve as a mediator due to his passion for facilitating dispute resolution. He and his wife Katherine have been married for over 46 years and have three children and five grandchildren.
Influenced by loving Christian parents all his life, and then, in particular one year, by his aunt and uncle, Jeff grew into a committed follower of Jesus Christ with an interest in missions as a young adult. He and his wife have been actively involved in the local church and have gone on several mission trips together. Jeff’s greatest life lesson learned from participating on mission trips is that despite the desire to serve others, he is the one who learns and grows in faith and is immeasurably blessed by each experience.
What drew me to the mission of Forward Edge?
A member of my church, actively involved with Forward Edge, introduced me to the organization, and I took a one-week mission trip to Villa Esperanza, in Nicaragua. The ministry, staff, and message were impressive. I appreciate the philosophy of being on the “forward edge” and partnering with, and supporting, those from each country who have devoted their lives to Christ for the nurture, health, education, love, and well-being of those in their communities.
If you could have dinner with any person in history, except Jesus, who would it be?
Hudson Taylor, the founder of the China Inland Mission. The story of his faith in traveling to China, becoming part of the culture thereby allowing the Spirit to have greater influence in the lives of those who had never been exposed to the faith, and trusting the Lord for support when none appeared to be coming, is inspiring.
What is something about you that others often are surprised to hear?
I was re-baptized in the Jordan River. I love golf and have three holes-in-one.
Greg has lived in Vancouver since 1967 when his family moved from Wenatchee, where he graduated from Columbia River High School. He attended Yankton College in Yankton, S.D. where he studied mathematics and business administration, graduating summa cum laude in 1976. He entered the insurance business that same year with the Standard Insurance Company and then joined Biggs Insurance Services in 1981, then known as Don Biggs and Associates. His work at Biggs Insurance has been primarily as a consultant in the area of life insurance and employee benefits. He recently ended 12 years as the president of the 53-person agency, and still serves on the board of directors.
He is married to Karen, first meeting her in 1972 in Everett, Washington. Together they have five children, Lindy, Christy, Mary, Emily, and Connor and have been additionally blessed with 10 grandchildren and several bonus “children” they have been allowed to love and assist in life, both here and overseas.
Outside of work he coached soccer for over 10 years and has been active with his children in their school sports and other activities such as Boy Scouts with Connor.
Introduced to Christ by some good friends, he and his wife Karen came to salvation in their mid-twenties. Since coming to faith, he has worked to serve the Lord in different ways. He has been a deacon in his local church, served with his family as a volunteer with Kings Kids, a mission of YWAM, served on the board of a local Youth for Christ chapter, served on the board of Portland Christian Schools, taught Sunday School, and did his best to lead his family in the ways of the Lord. For the past nearly 20 years he has been working with Heart of Hope International, a ministry to the institutionalized and poor children of Romania. He served on the HHMI board for nearly 10 years and most recently has served the children with teams at the Camp of the Good Shepherd near Sibiu, Romania. He also traveled to Peru on a team with his daughter Christy where he was blessed to make adobe for a boys home at 10,000 ft. elevation.
He first became aware of Forward Edge International while working with Karen Anfuso at Portland Christian Schools. Since then he has followed some of their work from the outside and hoped to find a time when he could become more involved in the FEI work with disadvantaged children in central America and Africa.
What drew you to the mission of Forward Edge? What drew me to FEI was the uniqueness of their work organizing short-term mission teams and then the child sponsorships that I became aware of more recently. The heart of the ministry, which resonates with my heart, is clear from hearing from those working in other countries for FEI and by listening to Joseph and his story.
If you could have dinner with any person in history (excluding Jesus) who would it be and why? If I could have dinner with any person in history it would probably be Abraham Lincoln, maybe George Washington. Both appear to be great men of faith who relied on that faith in times of great turmoil.
What is something about you others are often surprised to learn? I think the one thing that others are surprised to learn about me is that I am not as stern and serious as I may appear on the outside, and am in fact am quite emotional at times, especially when it involves children.
Gabe is an entrepreneur who specializes in helping companies solve complex problems with simple, scalable solutions. He started Sq1, an ad agency in Portland that was one of Oregon's fastest growing companies. After selling Sq1, he launched SmartPickle.com to help small restaurant owners use A.I. to automate their marketing. He is also an investor and advisor to a number of other companies.
Gabe studied history at Hillsdale College and in addition to his work on the board of MTI, he serves as a Deacon for The Gathering Church. He is married to the very patient and long-suffering Mandy Winslow and has nine kids. Gabe took his oldest on a Forward Edge trip to Uganda and plans to take each of his kids as they get older, as he believes serving others, esp. those in need is a key part of fulfilling the 2nd greatest commandment.
What drew you to the mission of Forward Edge? I have long admired Forward Edge's work in caring for the needs of the underprivileged and sharing the Gospel and approached them about partnering with the Light A Candle organization in Uganda. The partnership that formed has born great fruit in caring for lives in Uganda and loving them like Jesus called us to do. I couldn't be happier with the work going on there and in all the other places that Forward Edge operates.
If you could have dinner with any person in history (except Jesus) who would it be and why? George Washington. His form of humble, yet strong leadership, constantly amazes me. There aren't many people in history who have stepped down from absolute power, when those around them wanted them to stay in power, and his faithful service to the country and it's people, while knowing his own limitations is inspiring.
What is something about you others are often surprised to learn? As a kid, I was terrified of everything.
Gabriel and Leidis were both born and raised in Cuba. They grew up in different places and met at the former Teachers Training College in Santiago de Cuba. Both Gabriel and Leidis were baptized in 2006. A month later, they began serving the Lord in different areas in their church. Gabriel has served as a Sunday School youth and adult teacher, as a local missionary, and church administrator. He is currently teaching youth Sunday School and is the leader of his church's Evangelism Team. Leidis is serving as Church Secretary and Womens Ministry leader. They have both served at retreats and camps with children from their church. They continue to pray over new ways they can serve the Lord in their community.
Jonathan and his beautiful wife Rhoda are natives of Tamale, in the northern region of Ghana. God has blessed them with a daughter named Josephine.
Jonathan graduated from the Northern Baptist Theological Seminary with a diploma in Ministry and a certification in Christian Apologetics from Biola University. Rhoda is a graduate from the Tamale Technical University with a diploma in Hotel, Catering, and Institutional Management.
Jonathan and Rhoda are passionate about spreading the love of Christ and the good news of Jesus. Over the years, Jonathan has served in many communities in the Tamale region to restore hope to the hopeless and the vulnerable through education, inspiration, and restoration. Rhoda uses her knowledge in catering to provide nutritious meals to vulnerable children every week.
What drew you to the mission of Forward Edge?
What drew us was that Forward Edge provides opportunities for vulnerable children to discover their God-given potential and how to use it effectively, and also how they work in caring for the needs of the underprivileged and sharing the Good news of Christ.
If you could have dinner with any person in history (except Jesus) who would it be and why?
Jonathan: I would love to have dinner with Joseph Anfuso, the founder of Forward Edge. To thank him for availing himself for God to use him to start this great organization, which is changing lives throughout the world, and also to ask him about his motivation.
Rhoda: My grandfather, who has passed. I would love to hear stories about what the early Christians from the northern part of country went through in sharing the gospel.
What is something about you others are often surprised to learn?
Jonathan: People are often surprised when they get to know that I know how to cook very well, which is not common among men in the northern part of the country.
Rhoda: I don't usually sing but anytime I sing people are surprised by my voice.
Jean Chavannes Jeune is a pastor, evangelist, and missionary widely known and respected in the nation of Haiti. Over the past 38 years, Pastor Chavannes has participated in the creation, administration, and functioning of many organizations and institutions in Haiti geared for social and economic development.
He has served as President of the Baptist Mission of Southern Haiti, and as President of Lumiere University in Port au Prince. He holds a Masters degree in Public Administration from the University of Washington, and a Masters degree in Theology from Seattle Pacific University.
Pastor Chavannes has also participated in the development and promotion of many national and international religious and missionary institutions in Haiti, including the Bible Lumiere Institute, the Extension of Radio Lumiere Network via the Internet, the Worldwide Missionary Vision Organization, and the Protestantism Global Vision Organization in the Haitian Milieu.
Pastor Chavannes is married to Marie Lucie Carisma, a business administration specialist. They have four grown children, three sons and a daughter.
We are blessed by Pastor Chavannes’ heart for the country of Haiti, his desire and commitment to serve his community, and his passion to further God’s kingdom. We believe his extensive managerial and leadership experience will be a crucial part of our long-term success in Haiti.
Pastor Prenor Coudo and his wife Marie Antonise Chevelier are very active in the Haitian community. Pastor Coudo graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering with a focus on agricultural engineering in 1985 from the University of Haiti and has continued building on his education ever since. He holds a Masters in Development, certification in management, water resource management, and several certifications in the study of theology. Pastor Coudo has held various management positions for Haitian environmental protections agencies, community development organizations, and since 2014 has been the pastor of the Baptist Church of Vernet. Pastor Coudo is also the field coordinator of an organization called GRAPES, which is an action group for the protection of the local environment.
Marie Antonise has education in nursing and business management. She has held positions as professor and coordinator at the university level of various religious and state-run institutions with a focus on environmental education and protection. She has also held the position as president of a women’s development association founded in 2006. Pastor Coudo and his wife have three children; Esther Norine, Rophaim Presley, and Folens Matthnai. Their dream for the church in Vernet is to improve the spiritual, economic, social, and physical health of its members.
Jean Iphanel, also called Papoute, is a married father of three children. He studied Electrical Mechanics and is a Deacon of Baptist Philadelphia Church in Vernet. He enjoys working with children and also working with Forward Edge as a Field Coordinator.
His current involvement with Forward Edge has shown has shown him how to understand and continue to share God's love to people especially the children who are living in vulnerability not only in Haiti but all over the world.
What drew you to the mission of Forward Edge? I was drawn to the mission of Forward Edge because when there is a problem in whatever location, they quickly, like lightning, multiply funds to help and serve the people, and this is the way of our mission.
If you could have dinner with any person in history (except Jesus) who would it be and why? If I could have dinner with any person in history, it would be a person who is a Christian and a friend because I would know him and he would have a fear of God.
What is something about you that others are often surprised to learn? That I love working together with other people because it is the best way to learn about each other.
Jane Wathagana was born in Kijabe, Kenya, into a large family of twelve, where financial stability was a rare luxury. Raised by her single mother, Mama Beth, who struggled to provide for twelve children, Jane's early years were marked by a scarcity of clothes and food. At 20, driven by hope and ambition, Jane moved to Nairobi. Despite numerous challenges, her determination and strong work ethic led her to establish a successful tour company, renowned for its exceptional service and unique experiences.
Jane’s dedication to helping children deepened when Mama Beth could no longer manage her program. Since 2006, Jane has devoted herself to overseeing this ministry, focusing on nurturing young lives and believing in their potential. Today, she feeds over 1,000 children across various schools, five days a week, providing vital support and opportunities for a brighter future. Married with two children, Jane loves to see the growth of young people and she believes in the potential they have.
What drew you to the mission of Forward Edge? I was drawn to the mission of Forward Edge because of their focus on vulnerable children. In addition to this, Forward Edge believes just as I do that education is the key to rescuing lives from poverty.
If you could have dinner with any person in history (excluding Jesus) who would it be and why? Nelson Mandela. He believes the same thing as I do. That education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world. That’s why I’m so passionate about changing the poor conditions of our local schools and creating a space where the children can get quality education.
What is something about you others are often surprised to learn? That despite a successful business, I have chosen to work with the poor and vulnerable.
Angela, known as Angie, is a vibrant, outgoing and determined social worker and community developer working for Mama Beth Children's Program as the Child Sponsorship Coordinator.
She is married and lives in the Magina village of Kijabe, Kenya. A born-again Christian, she loves serving God at AIC Magina Church on the praise and worship team. She also serves as church health volunteer in her community and neighboring ones, mentoring and counseling young mothers and girls, visiting the sick and elderly, volunteering at Kijabe Hospital, and most importantly sharing the word of God.
Angela has had the opportunity to work for faith-based, community-based and governmental organizations in Kenya and abroad which has helped build her working experience in collection and management of data, community integration, office administration and problem solving. Through all this, she has been able to direct her passion toward children and their family’s welfare.
What drew you to the mission of Forward Edge? Sharing the same values; service to God, transforming lives of vulnerable children, helping them realize their potential and become independent, thus able to lead their lives and mentor others in the future.
If you could have dinner with any person in history (except Jesus) who would it be and why? Tabitha (Dorcas) of the bible, who was full of good works and acts of charity.
What is something about you others are often surprised to learn? Her calm nature and ability to worship and praise God especially in difficult situations that she passes through often surprises others.
Dionysious, nicknamed Din, is a born-again Christian from a family of five growing up in AIC Machani Church where his spiritual journey began. He participated in Sunday School and then, in high school, he joined the Christian Union where he served as the bible study coordinator and secretary. He also served as a lab captain where he honed his leadership skills, thus enabling him to lead his peers in church and community.
After his university studies, he joined the National Social Security Fund where he volunteered as a compliance officer and a financial accountant. He later joined AIC Cure International Hospital where he volunteered, as well as worked, as an accounts assistant and later became the Admin. Assistant to the medical director. Here he served to heal the sick and proclaim the kingdom of God.
Being blessed with the gift of artistic creativity, he was able to develop and nurture his talent, and become an entrepreneur; he has opened his own art studio and a bike shop at Kijabe Mission Center. He has since joined Mama Beth Children's Program as the Pastoral Coordinator.
What drew you to the mission of Forward Edge? Their focus on teaching children and helping the needy, as well as spreading the word of God, drew him to the organization’s mission.
If you could have dinner with any person in history (except Jesus) who would it be and why? Din would love to have dinner with the 10th leper who was healed by Jesus. This is because he had the sense of gratitude that most of his friends lacked.
What is something about you others are often surprised to learn? Many people are often surprised to know that he is a professional economist and a financial analyst, because he is also so skilled in fine art.
Metush and Nora Kaja were born and raised in Kosova and have been married for over 35 years. After enduring many challenges through the war in Kosova, God brought them to faith through the parable of “The Lost Sheep” and has now been using them to share the love of Jesus in their region since 2004. Nora and Metush oversee Forward Edge’s Kosova Program, where they provide nutritious meals, educational support and the hope of the Gospel message to children. The Kajas have three children and seven grandchildren who they love dearly.
What drew you to the mission of Forward Edge? We were drawn to Forward Edge through the love and kindness shown to orphans and widows in Kosova through Jeff Thompson and others on a team from Forward Edge.
If you could have dinner with any person in history (except Jesus) who would it be and why? “I would love to meet Daniel; to hear how he could trust God so bravely, even when it cost him everything.” - Nora
“I would love to have dinner with Joseph; despite enduring so much suffering, Joseph had faith that God could do anything, and he inspires me.” - Metush
What is something about you others are often surprised to learn? Metush is a skilled piano player and loves painting!
Victor and Lety, both natives of Oaxaca, Mexico, are the Program Directors of our Mexico Program. In 2006, God called both of them to work in a children’s ministry that is now known as Trigo y Miel (Wheat and Honey). Since then, they have experienced God’s deep love and provision for the children and for themselves. Victor and Lety work to provide food, education, healthcare, and the teachings of biblical principles through the presentation of the gospel.
What drew you to the mission of Forward Edge? Forward Edge is dedicated to a holistic approach and that’s something that we deeply believe in – it’s what drew us initially to the ministry. We are now compelled and excited by getting to belong to this group of men and women passionate about serving God and His people.
If you could have dinner with any person in history (excluding Jesus) who would it be and why? We would dine with Joseph Anfuso, Nicole Klepec and Jeff Thompson. We can learn a lot from each of them.
What is something about you others are often surprised to learn? People are often surprised by our large sense of humor.
The Hogans have been serving in Oaxaca since 2008 and love what God is doing there! Their passion is to share the love of God in practical ways and to see people walking in their freedom in Christ and experiencing God’s presence every day. They have been involved in missions for many years and are always amazed that God is able to do such fantastic things through such ordinary people. Tom and Wendy have four incredible children and seven awesome grandchildren.
What drew you to the mission of Forward Edge? Tom and Wendy’s initial contact with FEI was in 1990, when they saw that FEI’s core belief is that the Gospel is both Preaching (or declaration) and Doing Good Works (or demonstration). That’s something that the Hogans have always believed and that drew them to connect with FEI’s mission. Forward Edge is both a ministry and a family, and the Hogans feel like they have been “adopted” into this family, and that they “belong."
If you could have dinner with any person in history (excluding Jesus) who would it be and why? Both Tom and Wendy would choose to dine with King David. Tom, because he identifies with David’s passion for worship and zeal for the presence of God. Wendy, because she wants to sit and listen to David’s heart and discover what moved David to become a lover of God.
What is something about you others are often surprised to learn? Wendy loves to Zumba dance in her free time. Tom’s favorite animals in the world are…Arabian Horses! Or maybe Sandhill Cranes. Or Prairie Bison…too many to chose from!
Raquel was born in Mexico City and grew up in the city of Oaxaca. In 2007, when she was 17 years old, she began to serve in a ministry focused on children in poverty. It was there that her passion for social work was born. Raquel’s vision is to help the poor, teach, create, and serve. She currently works as child sponsorship coordinator at Trigo y Miel (Wheat and Honey).
What drew you to the mission of Forward Edge? God was the one who allowed the arrival of Forward Edge into our lives, but something I can say that led me to Forward Edge is the desire to help and serve in the work for the community, also the desire to learn more and share what God has taught me through my profession and my life.
If you could have dinner with any person in history (excluding Jesus) who would it be and why? I would love to have an evening meal with Moses and Joshua. I admire so much what God did with the people of Israel each, and every one of the things he did to protect them and show them his love. I would like to listen to each of his experiences on the road to the promised land. I admire the fidelity they had with God.
Jose is originally from Oaxaca. In 2007 he was invited by his pastor to join a group of young people serving children in poverty. Through this experience God built Jose’s faith and put in him a strong desire to serve those who need it the most. Leaving that mission, he went for three years to the Isthmus of Oaxaca to finish his studies. In a short time God showed him a plan for his life by marrying Raquel. Jose then went to live and work in the City of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon along with his wife but he felt in his heart that this was not the place for him. That is how they returned to Oaxaca and began to get more involved in serving the people of Trigo y Miel (Wheat and Honey).
What drew you to the mission of Forward Edge? The desire to serve and help those in need, also the great example of God’s love that the people working at Forward Edge have shown me. I am grateful to God for having the opportunity now to learn shoulder-to-shoulder with the Forward Edge team and the most important thing is to put it into practice.
If you could have dinner with any person in history (excluding Jesus) who would it be and why? I would love to have dinner with Job, because he had an unshakable faith in God and he depended totally on GOD, I think I would learn many things from him.
Julián Velasco was born in Mexico City and grew up in Oaxaca. He collaborates in the Wheat and Honey ministry as the manager of the Educational Area, he is a teacher by profession and has a master's degree as Teacher Educator, he has worked in different educational institutions of basic, upper secondary level and a degree as teacher, director and trainer. His call to the ministry began in 2002, when he actively collaborated in Children's and Youth Camps and joined in the vision of his parents in 2006. After dedicating some years to non-ministerial work, he joined the work of Wheat and Honey in January 2019 to date.
What drew you to the Forward Edge mission?
The example of my parents, their love and service to people and the great shelter of FEI for the community where Trigo y Miel is located. We have been blessed to work hand in hand with Forward Edge.
If you could have dinner with anyone in the story (except Jesus), who would it be and why?
With Paul, it was one of the pillars of the church; After living a life away from God and persecuting the church, God made him the spearhead for the gospel of Christ to be brought to the Gentiles.
What is something about you that others are often surprised to learn?
They are surprised to learn that I play the piano and like to sing.
Julia Álvarez was born in the city of Oaxaca. At the age of 7, she was able to verify the existence of God through an answered prayer; however, at that time her family was not Christian. In high school she met Raquel Velasco (current sister-in-law) and another friend, who spoke to her about the word of God and even invited her to church, which caused curiosity and the desire to learn more about the gospel and join a church. She attended a church in her community where she grew in her faith and worked with children and youth.
By profession Julia is an architect, and she dedicated the first 8 years to practicing her profession. At the age of 31 she reunited with the Velasco family, married Julian Velasco, and got involved in Sunday school and the tutoring club for the children of the Trigo y Miel program. Together with her husband, they currently have a daughter (Ester Abigail) and she teaches in Siloe School.
1. What attracted you to the Forward Edge mission? The impact and work they have had out of love for the children, seeing the support they give them to improve their living conditions, and even more so the organization and logistics behind each activity.
2. If you could have dinner with anyone in history (except Jesus), who would it be and why? With Elijah for his value as a man of God, he confronted his enemies keeping in mind that God went before him. He shows us the process of a Christian in his walk with Christ.
3. What is something about you that others are often surprised to learn? That being a woman I chose a career where men generally work, at least in Mexico, in the area of construction.
Alejandra is originally from a town in the Mixteca area of Oaxaca, she left her village at the age of 13 with only an elementary school education. She immigrated to Mexico City where she worked as a housekeeper for almost eight years. She returned to Oaxaca because she became pregnant with Itzel (her oldest daughter who attends our Mexico Children's Program) and had no one to take care of her daughter while she worked. She is now one of two cooks at Trigo y Miel, working hard to feed over 100 vulnerable children daily nutritious meals. She has three children in the child sponsorship program; Itzel, Suidi, and Alejandro.
What drew you to the mission of Forward Edge? Pastor Victor came to Itzel's school one day to invite the children to Trigo y Miel (Wheat and Honey). Victor eventually invited Alejandra to work in the Trigo y Miel kitchen.
If you could have dinner with any person in history (excluding Jesus) who would it be and why? I would like to have dinner with Ruth, because her story is an inspiration to me.
What is something about you others are often surprised to learn? That I am a very patient person, despite my strong character.
Wilbert and Gloria have been married since 2006, and are a "dream team" together: Gloria has a passion for young children and Wilbert has a passion for young adults. Both had a dream to serve their country and to use their talents to help those most in need. They both helped start Village of Hope with Forward Edge in 2008. Wilbert helps oversee a program called Creating Positive Relationships (CPR) for the youth around the Managua region.
What drew you to the mission of Forward Edge? I was drawn to work with Forward Edge because I am empowered to not only help the girls at the Village of Hope but to serve the communities and schools around us. Forward Edge has helped me be light and salt to Nicaragua.
If you could have dinner with any person in history (excluding Jesus) who would it be and why? Mother Teresa. I would have so many questions to ask her. She gave so much and had so little.
Gloria started working with Forward Edge in 2000, she worked as team coordinator where she hosted teams and managed projects. Gloria married her husband, Wilbert, in 2006. Gloria and Wilbert, along with their two kids Jacob and Naomi serve at the Village of Hope — serving girls at risk. Her passion is for girls and what the Lord has in store for them. Gloria and Wilbert both live in Managua, Nicaragua overseeing the Village of Hope.
What drew you to the mission of Forward Edge? I was drawn to work with Forward Edge because I learned through them that God uses ordinary people like me to do extraordinary things, the simplicity to serve God using what we have and the truth of being ourselves in the process.
If you could have dinner with any person in history (excluding Jesus) who would it be and why? Dinner with my dad who is no longer alive. He taught me so many things, but I still have so many questions for him.
What is something about you others are often surprised to learn? I have a sense of humor; people think I don’t have one.
Susie is originally from Portland, Oregon. She worked as a hairstylist for seventeen years before the Lord called her to the mission field in 2007 to Managua, Nicaragua, working as field staff at the Village of Hope program. Her primary role is coordinating short term mission teams that serve in and around the community of the Village of Hope. Susie also serves as our Child Sponsorship representative at Village of Hope. She helps facilitate communication between girls in our program and their sponsors, as well as keeps Forward Edge headquarters updated with new information about the girls and Village of Hope in general.
What drew you to the mission of Forward Edge? I went on a Forward Edge mission trip in 2005 to Managua, and three days in I was hooked. The Lord was clear in showing me where He wanted me to fulfill my purpose for Him in that moment. I said “yes” to Him, and the adventure began!
If you could have dinner with any person in history (excluding Jesus) who would it be and why? Moses. It took courage to lead his people out of Egypt, and betray (or what seemed like it) the family that raised him. To struggle with the Israelite’s unbelief time after time for years, but still maintaining his faith in what God had planned for him and his people.
What is something about you others are often surprised to learn? I was a cheerleader in high school, and I have run two marathons.
Pastor Brian Zimmerman and his wife Carol had a dream of birthing a ministry that would spread throughout Baltimore and would include starting a school, building a state-of-the-art athletic complex, a residential treatment center, and anything else that could be used as a tool for reaching more lives for Christ!
Statistics reveal a grim reality within the city. Baltimore ranks high among U.S. cities for issues such as drug use, child poverty, violence and gang activity, sex trafficking and teen pregnancy. Many youth suffer a sense of hopelessness, despair and lack of purpose. Baltimore is a city in great need.
The Transformation Center in the heart of Baltimore offers programs that meet these pressing needs. It serves the hungry, those stuck in the cycle of poverty, addiction, surviving with educational deficiencies, and living without a spiritual compass. The Transformation Center is committed to making a lasting difference in the local community and beyond.
Bonny was born and raised in Kampala. He graduated from Makerere University with a bachelor's degree in International Business. His wife, Julian, is a statistician who resigned from her government job to dedicate her life to supporting and nurturing vulnerable children.
Bonny’s passion in life is to ensure that every child is given the right to be a child. As a result, he has been key in advocating for children's rights in Uganda and educating parents and communities about the need to keep children in school.
Through Light A Candle Uganda, Bonny has established a strong team that is creating a better world for the young boys and girls of the Kampala community. He believes that everyone has a role to play, and if we all played our parts, the world would be a better place.
What drew you to the mission of Forward Edge?
I came to know about Forward Edge through my great friend Gabe Winslow with whom we have for long shared about having a world where both the poor and rich live in harmony. Forward Edge gives me the opportunity to be a part of God’s story and to have a deeper understanding of my purpose in life which is to put smiles on the faces of vulnerable children.
If you could have dinner with any person in history (excluding Jesus) who would it be and why?
Ray Barnett: Founder and CEO of the African Childrens Choir. Barnett left his comfortable home and came down to Uganda during the times of war. He worked hard to protect and bring hope to the marginalized. Today the African Childrens Choir has changed many lives through spreading the Gospel in music and dance and continues to bless and nurture leaders. It is because of Ray’s servanthood spirit that I would love to dine with him.
What is something about you others are often surprised to learn?
I train and conduct children’s choirs.
Lillian is a native of Luwero- Kasiiso; she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences from Makerere University where she majored in social work. She is a dedicated lady who loves spending time with children and communities. She joined Light A Candle Uganda in 2015 as an intern then went on to becoming the projects coordinator. Since then she has become part of the change makers and now coordinates the sponsorship department.
What drew you to the mission of Forward Edge? During our staff meeting, Bonny informed us of an organization with similar dreams and aspirations. Through him, we read so much about Forward Edge and we all needed to be part of this great mission. Forward Edge gives you the ability and opportunity to impact and serve with the best abilities.
If you could have dinner with any person in history (excluding Jesus) who would it be and why? Her majesty Nabagereka Nagginda Sylvia: Founder and CEO of the Nabagereka Foundation.
She is a renowned activist who has long advocated for education for youths and girls. She has founded many projects all to ensure that education is easily accessed.
What is something about you others are often surprised to learn? I play sports like football, volleyball and handball.
Phillip was born and raised in the Western part of Uganda and is soft spoken yet very passionate to see every child given an opportunity to exploit their potential. A teacher with a BS degree in education and mathematics, he also holds a financial management post graduate diploma. Philip manages finances for Light A Candle and coordinates the Women Empowerment Program. He is married to Deborah and together, they have a beautiful daughter Zuri. He enjoys farming, football and playing volleyball during the weekend.
What drew you to the mission of Forward Edge? FEI attaches a great value to discipleship and education as practical tools for social transformation. These combined with the spirit of togetherness and humility as portrayed by the staff humbled me.
If you could have dinner with any person in history (except Jesus) who would it be and why? Mother Teresa. She is a role model of charity, compassion and selflessness, a true beacon that gives hope to those living in slums.
What is something about you others are often surprised to learn? I think that one thing that others are surprised to learn about me is patience and staying calm in challenging situations.
Phionah originally joined our program, Light a Candle Uganda, as a sponsored child and has blossomed into the remarkable woman she is today! Phionah has a passion for supporting children academically, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. She graduated from Nsamizi College with a degree in Child Development and volunteered at our Uganda Children's Program before stepping into the role of Child Development Officer.
What drew you to the mission of Forward Edge?
The commitment of Forward Edge to offer hope to vulnerable children, like me when I was growing up.
If you could have dinner with any person in history (except Jesus) who would it be and why?
Nelson Mandela, because of his unwavering fight for freedom.
What is something about you others are often surprised to learn?
Many of my friends are surprised by my passion for children, as they often perceive me as being more shy and reserved.
Simon Musoke shares the same story as many of the children in our Light a Candle Uganda program: being born and raised in a poor family, he now cherishes the opportunity to help these children have a brighter future and become the people that God destined them to be. Simon helps in managing and overseeing program activities, drafting initiatives aimed at steering growth, assisting in impact assessment, and ensuring the program aligns with government policies.
What drew you to the mission of Forward Edge?
We share the common goal and above all we believe in Jesus Christ.
If you could have dinner with any person in history (except Jesus) who would it be and why?
Abraham, because of his faith which made him become "The Father of all Nations."
What is something about you others are often surprised to learn?
My passion and love for farming!