Provide Christ-centered holistic care to children trapped in poverty.
26 years old (01-02-1999)
20 years old (03-03-2005)
17 years old (08-29-2007)
8 years old (03-03-2017)
17 years old (01-01-2008)
17 years old (11-20-2007)
As a child sponsor, you’re providing things like nutritious meals, safe drinking water, education, health care, and spiritual instruction. Beyond meeting their critical needs, you’re also building a priceless personal relationship with your child, helping them discover their true worth and God-given potential.
Many families struggle to meet their basic needs. Help feed children both physically and spiritually.
Bring hope to children in desperate need of the gospel.
Provide hope and help to vulnerable children, some of whom are trapped in a form of domestic slavery called restavek.
Provide holistic care to children in the rural community of Kijabe who are especially vulnerable to being orphaned and suffer from severe poverty and malnutrition.
Families in Kosovo are still trying to rebuild their lives after war. Give practical help to children and hope for a better future.
Help us serve extremely poor families in Olimpo on the outskirts of Oaxaca, Mexico.
You can also help build homes for families in the same community by supporting Operation Enduring Homes.
There are many in need in Nicaragua. We are reaching the next generation of boys and girls with the love of Christ.
Children in the slums of Uganda, many of whom are orphans, are given tools to build brighter futures through our Light a Candle program.
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…” Matthew 28:18.
More ways to make an enormous impact around the world.
Only 15% of your gift to our programs will be set aside for administration and fundraising costs.
Our children’s programs have proven effective towards long-term, holistic transformation.
Your investment empowers credible nationals caring for their own people & community.