Neighbors Near And Far: When you should or shouldn’t give to international missions

Why give to International Missions when there are people in need in our own backyard? This is a legitimate question. Sometimes conflicting feelings can arise about where our money “should” go. After all, most of us are familiar with the old adage that “charity begins at home.” There are many diverse opinions when it comes […]

Continuing Your Mission Back Home

I’m home from a life-changing mission trip. Now what? A short-term mission trip is an intense experience, in more ways than one. In the space of a week to 10 days, you’re immersed with a new group of people, develop a routine and learn new tasks and skills. You’ve also been thrown into (and pulled […]

Presenting Your Mission in 5 Steps

When it comes to sharing with others about your mission, calling, or passion for a particular cause, your main objective should be to connect with your audience. Get them engaged emotionally and intellectually so that they are ready to receive what you have to say. Whether you are one-on-one or speaking to a group, considering […]

Capturing Connection: Photography on the Mission Field

The Forward Edge Blog You’re on a mission trip, walking through a village, your heart full as you take in the scenes around you. Kids are laughing, families are working, and life is bustling in every corner. As you reach for your camera to capture it all, take a moment to pause. Think about the […]

Fundraising Tips for Your Mission Trip

Forward Edge International has sent over 1,500 mission teams over the past three decades. During that time, we’ve gathered a few tips common among those who’ve successfully raised funds for their trip. Fundraising not only helps support your trip financially, it also provides a way for your friends and family to share in your service […]

Fundraising Support Letter

Letters are vital to raising support for your mission trip. If you have to choose between letters and events, choose letters. Here’s why: They work. People love to see others serve, and they will respond. Even if they might not go themselves, they can be a part of your experience. Send it to Christians and […]