Your donation today will protect and empower vulnerable children susceptible to abuse, isolation and exploitation in a child-slavery practice throughout Haiti called restavek.
Typically born into poor, rural families, restavek children are often given to relatives or strangers in an effort to ensure they survive. Most of these children become domestic slaves assigned to menial tasks, are not allowed to attend school, and are often abused, neglected and malnourished.
Djenika shares first hand the loneliness and sadness that comes with living as a restavek child in Haiti, but also the hope she found through community and Christ.
Forward Edge is seeking to launch the “Pwoteje Project” in partnership with Restavek Freedom Foundation and local churches in Vernet, Haiti.
This multifaceted project creates child protection committees, educates the community through training and advocacy, and provides the tools to bring awareness and implement change within the culture.
Education and local ownership of the solutions are key to ending child slavery.
Those that have been abused, malnourished, neglected, etc.
Families in the community who are known to have restavek children.
For child protection efforts to the government and local authorities.
To hosting churches and community-wide child protection events.
In the seven churches in Vernet to educate the community on caring for all children.
A donation of any amount will help us launch the Pwoteje Project to begin fighting child slavery in Haiti.
Only 15% of your gift to our programs will be set aside for administration and fundraising costs.
Our children’s programs have proven effective towards long-term, holistic transformation.
Your investment empowers credible nationals caring for their own people & community.