Transforming Haiti by Training Teachers

Together, we can fight the staggering rates of material poverty, unemployment and illiteracy in Haiti by empowering teachers with the training they need to provide quality education for children.

A community plagued by poverty

Vernet, Haiti is a materially-poor community in southern Haiti and home to approximately 3,000 people. Only 35% of children in the community finish elementary school, and roughly 25% finish high school. Youth who can attend trade school or university are even harder to find. Dire economic situations often force children to drop out of school and find work prematurely, but many children simply drop out because they are not succeeding.

Much of the children’s lack of success in school is attributed to ineffective teaching. Eighty percent of teachers in Haiti never receive on-the-job student teacher training and 50% lack basic teacher qualifications ( Our teachers in Vernet need effective training so that students can receive the quality education they need to succeed.

partnering for prosperity

Forward Edge is partnering with Project for Haiti (P4H), a nonprofit committed to the professional training and equipping of Haitian educators, to help teachers provide quality education. These teachers will also be equipped to become local trainers for other teachers in nearby communities, which will further spread these teaching tools and ensure greater success for the students! Over the course of three years, 20 local teachers in Vernet will receive intensive, research-based professional development training through P4H. 

This training includes formal classroom observation plans, school assessment and diagnostic reports, and formal equipping on seven central training topics:

Foundational Education Theories

Classroom Management

Collaborative Learning and Engagement


Lesson Planning


Leadership Development

It only costs $5,900 to launch this program!

This will cover the costs for all training materials, fees, and salaries, as well as lodging and travel for the trainers. Your gift of any amount will bring teachers one step closer to fighting the cycle of poverty through education.

$150.00 of $6,000.00 raised

You can trust that you're making a real and lasting impact.


Only 15% of your gift to our programs will be set aside for administration and fundraising costs.



Our children’s programs have proven effective towards long-term, holistic transformation.



Your investment empowers credible nationals caring for their own people & community.