

Bringing hope and love to vulnerable children and their families living in extreme poverty in rural Kenya.

Why Kijabe

In the mountains 30 miles from Kenya’s capital, Nairobi, lies an area known as Kijabe, which translates to “Place of the Wind.” Kijabe’s challenging weather, characterized by erratic rainfall patterns and prolonged droughts, creates an unstable economy for the families struggling to survive there.

Children in Kijabe, Kenya, live in some of the most dire conditions on our planet. Many have been orphaned due to AIDS and suffer from extreme malnutrition and preventable water-borne illnesses.

Most families cannot afford to send their children to school, and for those who can, it often requires miles of walking barefoot to get there. This is especially dangerous for girls who are vulnerable to sexual abuse.

Our Program

Mama Beth Children's Program

Our program was started decades ago by a dedicated Kenyan woman, “Mama Beth”, who began feeding and caring for children out of her own home. This same passion and dedication continue to be the heart of our program, now led by Mama Beth’s daughter, Jane Wathagana.

The Mama Beth program is a small property with a big impact. The kitchen provides meals for over 1,000 children across four schools. The on-site preschool offers children the essential educational foundation they need to excel. Within the office building, there is a room where skilled tailors sew school uniforms for children in need. Additionally, children receive school tuition, medical evaluations, access to safe drinking water, and guidance from our spiritual coordinator. Families are helped with food packages and our new home-building initiative.

Through practical assistance and the love of Christ, hundreds of children’s lives are being transformed.

Christ centered

Declaring and demonstrating the Good News of Jesus Christ has always been – and will always be – at the heart of everything we do. Our program employs a spiritual coordinator who hosts discipleship classes in local schools.

child focused

Children are the seeds of the future. When we invest in them, they have the capacity to be agents of change in their communities for generations to come. Our program focuses on the individual needs of each child and reaches out from there to their families and communities.


Our program is holistic, caring for the whole child – their mind, body and spirit. We provide regular meals to children, food baskets for families, school tuition and supplies, safe drinking water, medical care, discipleship, and a caring community.

locally led

Our program director, Jane, grew up in the very community she now serves. She has a great vision for the impact we can make in Kijabe. We work closely with her to ensure high levels of trust and stewardship in the program. 

Jane Wathagana

Director of Mama Beth Children's Program

Jane Wathagana was born in Kijabe, Kenya, into a large family of twelve, where financial stability was a rare luxury. Raised by her single mother, Mama Beth, who struggled to provide for twelve children, Jane's early years were marked by a scarcity of clothes and food. At 20, driven by hope and ambition, Jane moved to Nairobi. Despite numerous challenges, her determination and strong work ethic led her to establish a successful tour company, renowned for its exceptional service and unique experiences. 

Jane’s dedication to helping children deepened when Mama Beth could no longer manage her program. Since 2006, Jane has devoted herself to overseeing this ministry, focusing on nurturing young lives and believing in their potential. Today, she feeds over 1,000 children across various schools, five days a week, providing vital support and opportunities for a brighter future. Married with two children, Jane loves to see the growth of young people and she believes in the potential they have.   

What drew you to the mission of Forward Edge?  I was drawn to the mission of Forward Edge because of their focus on vulnerable children. In addition to this, Forward Edge believes just as I do that education is the key to rescuing lives from poverty.

If you could have dinner with any person in history (excluding Jesus) who would it be and why? Nelson Mandela. He believes the same thing as I do. That education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world. That’s why I’m so passionate about changing the poor conditions of our local schools and creating a space where the children can get quality education.

What is something about you others are often surprised to learn? That despite a successful business, I have chosen to work with the poor and vulnerable.

Learn More in the Pearl Partner Spotlight: Kenya

Give Monthly or One-Time

Help Kenya

Monthly giving enables our program to have sustained impact in the lives of children and their community, but every gift of generosity makes a difference.

How Every Dollar Makes a Difference in Kenya

$25 can provide one month of school lunches for four children in Kenya.

$50 can provide sanitary napkins for 40 girls which are essential for them to stay in school.
$75 can provide safe drinking water to a family in our program.
$100 can provide monthly support for a seamstress making school uniforms.
$325 can provide monthly support for two cooks at our program.

7 years old (10-20-2017)


7 years old (01-13-2018)


5 years old (02-09-2020)


18 years old (09-20-2006)


17 years old (04-13-2007)


10 years old (02-20-2015)

Sponsor a Child

As a child sponsor, you’re providing things like nutritious meals, safe drinking water, education, health care, and spiritual instruction. Beyond meeting their critical needs, you’re also building a priceless personal relationship with your child, helping them discover their true worth and God-given potential.

visit Kenya

Teams of 10 or more are invited to go on a 7 to 9-night mission trip to our program in Kijabe, Kenya. You will be the hands and feet of Jesus as you serve children and their families, build relationships, and grow in faith.

Church & School Partnerships

Partnering your church or school with our program in Kenya creates a meaningful, long-term, and holistic impact for all parties involved. 

Contact Us to Get Started