Providing the rock of Jesus to those rebuilding from war.
Kosova has experienced centuries of struggle, occupation, and ethnic discrimination, culminating in the Kosovo War, during which its citizens fought for independence from Serbia/Yugoslavia. The country still lacks full global recognition today, but its people are striving to rebuild their lives despite limited economic strength. High unemployment and uncertainty persist, and access to education or vocational training is limited.
Ethnic discrimination still persists, particularly targeting the Roma population. Due to cultural traditions, education is not prioritized for girls within this society.
Due to financial constraints or lack of parental support, most Roma children do not attend school.
The Roma people often face discrimination and are derogatorily referred to as ‘gypsies.’ It is a country in need of hope and help.
Lead by Metush and Nora Kaja, our program is bringing practical and spiritual hope to the Gjakova district. They serve 12 communities in the region with nutritious meals and the bread of life. Our sponsorship children also receive tutoring and discipleship. The gospel is shared in homes, at their office, and even outside in neighborhoods when there isn’t enough room inside for everyone interested! While the focus of the program is the 300 children served, many adults and teenagers listen to the good news of Jesus whenever presented.
We’re bringing change to families by providing nutritious meals, education support, healthy community, and the good news of Jesus – truly the love of God in action among the people.
Declaring and demonstrating the Good News of Jesus Christ has always been – and will always be – at the heart of everything we do. Program staff diligently share the Gospel through multiple weekly outreaches.
Children are the seeds of the future. When we invest in them, they have the capacity to be agents of change in their communities for generations to come. Our program focuses on the individual needs of each child and reaches out from there to their families and communities.
Our program is holistic, caring for the whole child – their mind, body and spirit. We provide regular meals to children, school tuition and supplies, discipleship, and a caring community.
Metush and Nora, natives to Kosova, are local Christian leaders with a heart for the next generation. We work closely with them to ensure high levels of trust and stewardship in the program.
Metush and Nora Kaja were born and raised in Kosova and have been married for over 35 years. After enduring many challenges through the war in Kosova, God brought them to faith through the parable of “The Lost Sheep” and has now been using them to share the love of Jesus in their region since 2004. Nora and Metush oversee Forward Edge’s Kosova Program, where they provide nutritious meals, educational support and the hope of the Gospel message to children. The Kajas have three children and seven grandchildren who they love dearly.
What drew you to the mission of Forward Edge? We were drawn to Forward Edge through the love and kindness shown to orphans and widows in Kosova through Jeff Thompson and others on a team from Forward Edge.
If you could have dinner with any person in history (except Jesus) who would it be and why? “I would love to meet Daniel; to hear how he could trust God so bravely, even when it cost him everything.” - Nora
“I would love to have dinner with Joseph; despite enduring so much suffering, Joseph had faith that God could do anything, and he inspires me.” - Metush
What is something about you others are often surprised to learn? Metush is a skilled piano player and loves painting!
Monthly giving enables our program to have sustained impact in the lives of children and their community, but every gift of generosity makes a difference.
$25 can provide one month of weekly meals and the gospel for five children.
9 years old (07-15-2015)
15 years old (09-21-2009)
8 years old (08-25-2016)
10 years old (12-19-2014)
16 years old (02-23-2009)
9 years old (12-21-2015)
As a child sponsor, you’re providing things like nutritious meals, safe drinking water, education, health care, and spiritual instruction. Beyond meeting their critical needs, you’re also building a priceless personal relationship with your child, helping them discover their true worth and God-given potential.
Teams of 10 or more are invited to go on a 7-night mission trip to our program in Gjakova, Kosova. You will be the hands and feet of Jesus as you serve children and their families, build relationships, and grow in faith.
Partnering your church or school with our program in Kosova creates a meaningful, long-term, and holistic impact for all parties involved.