
sponsor a child

Gyebaleki (hello), my name is Sulaiman

  • location


  • 21 yrs. old


Entered the Program: March 2020

Sulaiman lives with his single mother and four siblings in a three-room
house with no electricity or running water. The borehole the
family uses is 2 kilometers from home and Sulaiman has to walk
everyday to fetch water. The family uses firewood to cook and boil
water for drinking and has a three-bulb solar panel for lighting, as
well as an outdoor toilet. 

Sponsorship Level What's this?

Three $38 sponsorships are needed to cover the complete holistic care of one child. Cover one, two, or three sponsorships.

Change the World for One

As a child sponsor, you’re providing things like nutritious meals, safe drinking water, education, health care, and spiritual instruction. Beyond meeting their critical needs, you’re building a priceless personal relationship with your child, helping them discover their true worth and God-given potential.

How Sponsorship Works

Pick a Child

Choose a boy or girl to sponsor with an ongoing commitment of at least $38 a month.

Get to Know Them

You’ll receive a sponsor kit which includes your child’s profile and photo. You’ll also receive quarterly updates on your impact and letters from your child!​

Write Letters

You can build a relationship with your child by sending photos, emails, letters and cards. You can even visit your child if you go on a short-term mission trip with a group!

What Does My Sponsorship Provide?

Your sponsorship helps provide for your child’s physical, educational and spiritual needs. These needs are met differently depending on the community your child is in, but include things like:

Slide 1
Nutritious Meals
Slide 2
Health Care
Slide 3
Safe Drinking Water
Slide 4
School Tuition
Slide 5
Slide 6
An Opportunity to Hear the Gospel
Slide 7
Bible Training
Slide 8
Spiritual Mentorship
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Why Sponsor Through Forward Edge?

Visit Your Child

We specialize in quality mission trips, affording you the opportunity for meaningful face-to-face time with your child.

Focus on Education

Our programs focus on education – the #1 factor in breaking the cycle of poverty.

Personal Support

We place high value on personal communication with you as a sponsor.


Our programs are Christ-centered and have strong relationships with the local church.