Why I Went Over The Edge

A Birthday with a Purpose

Rappel down the side of a building to raise money for children?! I’d never heard of such an idea, but it sounded great to me! I’d get to challenge myself, do something fun, and help children all at the same time.  

My fundraising goal was $1,000, and I decided to accomplish that by asking for donations as gifts for my upcoming 40th birthday. It felt so special to do something meaningful for my birthday. Instead of getting gifts of material possessions, I knew that each dollar coming in was helping children. Helping children in poor and underdeveloped countries to have proper nutrition, obtain academic tutoring, receive meaningful mentorship, and more. My birthday had a purpose, and it was rewarding to look outside myself and bless others.  

Once my friends and family found out about the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others by donating, it didn’t take long for the $1,000 to come in. I simply sent notes to friends and family, shared about it on social media, and talked about the event whenever the opportunity came up. 

Serving with my Family

There is something so special about being a part of something bigger than yourself—knowing that by stepping out in faith, you can be used by God to make a difference. It was also a great opportunity for my family to serve together and to help teach my children the importance of selflessness and service. We all helped on the day of the event in whatever capacity was needed and it was so much fun. 

Finding Joy in Pushing Past Fears 

While I don’t necessarily get nervous doing this kind of activity, it blew me away watching people who were terribly afraid of heights push past their fear and rappel—all for the sake of the children. It meant more to them to help their brothers and sisters around the world than be comfortable on the ground. The relief shown on their faces when they finished was to be expected, but the joy of knowing they had pushed past a fear and helped people in need was beautiful.

Changing a Life for Jesus

The event itself was so fun. Delicious food and drinks, games, fellowship, music, and more. I loved how people who worked at the building itself got to hear about what Forward Edge was all about and ultimately about Jesus. 

I highly encourage everyone to participate the next time Forward Edge does this event. The amount of effort it takes to raise the money, and the amount of time you’re rappelling, is very small compared to the lasting impact it will make on precious lives around the world who are living in difficult and unfortunate circumstances. Each dollar raised provides another opportunity for someone to hear about the incredible love of Jesus. Rumor has it we’ll be doing this event again in 2023 and I hope you’ll join us! Take a leap of faith, have some fun, and change a life in Jesus’ name! 

community support

When God Provides: A Widows Prayer Answered

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christian ministry

Pearl Partner Spotlight: Cuba

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Christmas and Salvation

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great commission

God Uses Two Sisters and a Mission Trip to Change Lives

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Transform a Child's Life Through Sponsorship

Miredita (hello), my name is Ledion

  • location


  • 9 yrs. old


Entered the program: September 2023

Ledion lives with his parents and baby brother in a one-bedroom apartment his grandparents helped them buy in 2021. Ledion’s parents find it very difficult to make a living. His father can do carpentry but cannot find any work except occasionally in the summer months. Ledion’s mother is a housewife but she has physical ailments with her back and her eyes which hinder her. Ledion’s grandparents try to help them as much as possible but they have little for themselves as well.

Sponsorship Level What's this?

Three $38 sponsorships are needed to cover the complete holistic care of one child. Cover one, two, or three sponsorships.