Mission Trips
Building Connections

Capturing Connection: Photography on the Mission Field

Photography is more than just a way to document your mission trip—it’s a bridge to connection, a chance to honor the stories of those you encounter. As you step into communities, camera in hand, pause to reflect. Are you capturing moments with care and respect? Are your photos fostering dignity rather than reducing people to subjects?

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Acholi People

Women of the Word

Nancy, our Director of Development and long-time short-term missionary, shares her experience with the “Women of the Word” program in Kampala, Uganda. These resilient women, who migrated to a new area after facing unimaginable hardships, have come together to build a supportive community and empower one another. Discover how their journey of faith and perseverance is creating lasting change in their lives and in their community.

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Bible Story

Whose Bible?

It started with a simple nudge—a last-minute feeling that I was forgetting something important. Rushing through the airport, I couldn’t shake the urge to buy a Bible. I didn’t know why, or who it was for, but I trusted the feeling. A week later, in a small village in Ghana, that Bible found its way into the hands of Talata, a girl who had never heard of Jesus. This is the story of how God’s quiet whispers and a small act of obedience became part of something much bigger than we could have imagined.

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Christian Charity in Action

Pearl Partner Spotlight: Kenya

This blog is a part of an ongoing series on Forward Edge’s Pearl Partners. Check out our highlights on Cuba and Haiti and enjoy this interview with Jane Wathagana.   20 years ago, Jane Wathagana was a successful businesswoman in Kenya, the Director of Animal World Safaris and Elangata Luxury Camps, when she met an American tourist named Dave Watts, who had come to see a safari in the Maasai Mara. After an amazing safari spent conversing together, Dave and his wife asked Jane if there were any opportunities to serve while they were abroad in Africa; so she introduced

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child sponsorship

Divine Encounters in Oaxaca: Reflections from a Mission Trip

Bold Obedience In life, some moments stand out as divine interventions, where God’s hand is unmistakably at work. Mission trips are often such moments, where lives intersect with purpose, and hearts are transformed in ways beyond measure. Jilese’s recent journey to Oaxaca, Mexico, serves as a testament to this truth. I had the privilege of interviewing Jilese about the recent mission trip she went on. She went as a facilitator in training and shared that she was nervous about how well she would be able to connect with the group and if she was even cut out to lead. As

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christian ministry

Pearl Partner Spotlight: Cuba

As a kid growing up in the late 1990’s, I idolized my favorite athletes of the day. I cut out their pictures from the newspaper or Sports Illustrated for Kids and hung them on the walls of my bedroom. When I played baseball, I mimicked Derek Jeter’s batting stance. When I shot a basketball, I wanted to hoop like Lebron James. And when I played hockey, I wanted to score like Steve Yzerman. I watched these athletes on TV, studied how they performed, and tried to replicate them in my own life. When I was in elementary school, I had

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Taste of the Nations

One of Forward Edge’s most dearly held values is the importance of relationships. And what better way has God given us to bond with others than over a table of good food. Culture is often shared through food. Sharing meals isn’t just about filling our stomachs—it’s about connection over stories, experiencing others’ customs and traditions, and coming together as equals around the same dinner table. Sharing meals is something close to God’s heart. It’s how Jesus ministered to the lost (Luke 5:29-31), where He discipled those closest to himself (John 13-17), and even an image He used to teach important

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Sell a Home, Save a child: Members on mission in Oaxaca

Sell a Home, Save a Child (SAHSAC) Member Troy Daniels, accompanied by his business partner Veronica, joined us on a mission trip to our Mexico children’s program, Trigo y Miel and the Siloé school, to witness the direct impact of his contributions. In our interview, he shared his experience, his commitment to SAHSAC, and offered valuable insights for other members considering going on a mission trip.  Why I went on the trip:  I have been wanting to go on one of these mission trips for several years now but there always seemed to be a schedule conflict with work or

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Pearl Partners

In Matthew 13, Jesus is sitting in his friend’s home, after a long day of teaching parables to the crowds. His disciples ask him about the Kingdom of Heaven, and he shares another story with them, to help them understand: “The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.”  Pearls have been considered one of the most valuable gemstones for thousands of years and across cultures around the world. Jesus knew that his disciples would immediately understand the value

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mission trips

My Forward Edge Story

I had the pleasure of sitting down with Sheri Stanley, our Director of Operations & Mobilization, to hear her Forward Edge Story. While what we spoke about was only a fraction of God’s incredible works in her life, these significant moments were an inspiration to me, and I hope they will be the same for you.  Forward Edge stories are often, as team member Sheri Stanley puts it, “an illustration of the fruits of the Spirit.” She explains that they are worth sharing because they glorify God and His Kingdom. Sheri’s story does exactly that. It is full of illustrations

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Two Countries, One Purpose

Relationships are everything. And it’s not just those in the U.S. reaching out to other countries; it’s the entire Global Church engaging with and learning from each other. As an organization, we seek to foster and steward those vital relationships. Recently, the director of our Uganda children’s program, Bonny Lugayizi, along with program staff member Philip, visited our Kenya children’s program headed by Jane Wathagana to learn, encourage, and dream together. They left their time feeling empowered, equipped and inspired. Jane (left) with Bonny (center) and Philip (right) looking at land that will be used to build homes for families in

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forward edge

One Week to Find Joy

Looking For Joy? Have you ever felt like you were on a hunt for joy? An 18-year-old boy was surprised to find it surrounded by people who had very little. He found it where you’d assume you’d find sadness. He went on a trip unsure of what he would experience but came back with a new perspective on life. When he returned, he reflected and shared, “I’m willing to say I saw more joy in this one week in Kijabe, Kenya than what I’ve seen in America throughout my whole nearly 18 years of life.”  What if I told you that you

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child sponsorship

Why Didn’t I Cry?

By Melanie Kruse Off On a Mission Trip  I’ve never been on a mission trip like this. This was the first time we served with Forward Edge and the first time our two daughters had joined us, but that’s not what made it different. On this trip I didn’t cry.   My husband and I had both been on mission trips before with other organizations, often with many tears involved. As we boarded the plane for Oaxaca, Mexico, I anticipated feeling emotions similar to those I’d experienced on past trips.  The next morning was filled with joy as we finally met

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mission trips

Teens in Short-Term Missions

One of the most impactful things I learned as a teenager was that God will do extraordinary things through you whether you are 5 or 45, 15 or 52; He has no age restrictions and certainly does not follow the boundaries that we build up ourselves. Even now, at 21, I sometimes wonder, “What can I really do? How can I make a difference when I have so little experience?” It’s helpful to remind myself of verses like 1 Timothy 4:12… “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in

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child sponsor

A Future Rewritten Through Education: Berenice Graduates!

Berenice was used to seeing the same narrative play out around her growing up: a life marked by poverty, wealth inequality, and barriers to education. Most families in her area in Oaxaca, Mexico have traditionally come from smaller villages in search of a better life and are facing severe unemployment and dire housing conditions. Instead of just focusing on daily survival, Berenice often pondered a different way. She was determined to not follow in the footsteps of many of her peers, and knew God had big plans for her.   The pivotal point in Berenice’s life came through Forward Edge’s Trigo

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community development

Why We Should Involve Children in Development

In his book, “Empowering Children”, former Forward Edge board member, Dr. Ravi Jayakaran, shares the importance of involving children in the process of their own development. When a community invests its resources in its children, it invests in its own future. Just as Forward Edge values all children and believes they have dignity and are created in the image of God, Dr. Ravi explains that the input of children is valuable. Involving children in the entire process can bring extraordinary results because children begin to realize that their concerns are important, which in turn reminds them of their importance in

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great commission

God Uses Two Sisters and a Mission Trip to Change Lives

The decision to join a mission team It all started with two sisters who chose to go on a mission trip to Nicaragua. Val spontaneously joined her sister Donna at a trip team meeting, and decided during the meeting that she too wanted to serve with the team.     A Humbling Experience During the trip, Val found herself with the opportunity to visit the home of a little girl living in Managua, Nicaragua. Immediately she longed to do something to improve this family’s living situation, as she was humbled and shocked to see the poverty. The team leader, Kay, and other staff told Val the best thing she could do

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Proclaiming the Gospel in Word and Deed

by Joseph Anfuso I had no idea in the spring of 1980 that a two-day trip to Nicaragua would not only change the trajectory of my life, but cause me to reimagine Jesus’ commission in Mark 16:15: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” At the time, I was a leader in a church-planting ministry birthed during the Jesus Movement of the late 1960s and early 1970s. Jesus was coming back soon, we were convinced, so our highest priorities—perhaps our only priorities—were preaching the gospel and making disciples. That’s why my trip to Nicaragua was

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3 Quick Tips to Keep Pace with Global Partners During a Pandemic

Have you had to cancel or postpone a trip to serve in another country this year? Have you considered repurposing your investment rather than losing it or delaying the opportunity? 1. Repurpose your plan Is there a way to take the plans you have already made and modify them using virtual platforms? Can you offer other services or resources from your church that would not otherwise be available? 2. Repurpose your people What if you kept the proposed team intact and rallied them to redirect their time and effort to serve the same ministry in other ways? Could you involve

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mission trips

4 Practical Ways to Prepare for A Mission Trip

Before embarking on your first mission trip, there are a variety of things you can do to prepare yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually. This article will focus on some of the practical steps you can take to ensure you get the most out of your experience. Here are four things to consider in preparation for your upcoming trip. 1. Raise Support If you’re in need of funds for your mission trip, one of the easiest places to start is writing an email newsletter. Many missionaries don’t realize that friends and family not only want to stay updated about your experience,

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4 Ways to Minister Across Cultures

Jesus calls us to step outside of ourselves—our own ways of viewing and doing things—if we are to follow him, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself” Matthew 16:24. The same is true when ministering cross-culturally. Ministering to those in a culture different from your own is not easy. It means leaving behind all your preconceived notions of how people should act and think. It also means entering the new culture like a child, ready to learn from those you intend to serve. 1. Learn the Language (Or at least some of it) Language is the key

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international missions

Neighbors Near And Far: When you should or shouldn’t give to international missions

Why give to International Missions when there are people in need in our own backyard? This is a legitimate question. Sometimes conflicting feelings can arise about where our money “should” go. After all, most of us are familiar with the old adage that “charity begins at home.” There are many diverse opinions when it comes to charitable giving, but when help comes from the heart, there is no one cause less important than another.   To discover the answer to this important question, here are a few questions to consider: 1. What does the Bible have to say? The Bible has

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post mission trip

Continuing Your Mission Back Home

I’m home from a life-changing mission trip. Now what? A short-term mission trip is an intense experience, in more ways than one. In the space of a week to 10 days, you’re immersed with a new group of people, develop a routine and learn new tasks and skills. You’ve also been thrown into (and pulled out of) a culture that may have been completely different from your own. Along with these practical changes, you’ve also probably experienced a range of emotions, from frustration to encouragement, to heart-wrenching realizations and encounters with God. Your values and assumptions about life may even

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living on mission

Presenting Your Mission in 5 Steps

When it comes to sharing with others about your mission, calling, or passion for a particular cause, your main objective should be to connect with your audience. Get them engaged emotionally and intellectually so that they are ready to receive what you have to say. Whether you are one-on-one or speaking to a group, considering in advance how best to accomplish this goal is important for a successful presentation. Here are some points to keep in mind: 1. Be Authentic This is probably the single most important element in relating to others. People will hear your heart before they hear

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Fundraising Tips for Your Mission Trip

Forward Edge International has sent over 1,500 mission teams over the past three decades. During that time, we’ve gathered a few tips common among those who’ve successfully raised funds for their trip. Fundraising not only helps support your trip financially, it also provides a way for your friends and family to share in your service (and impact!) as well. Here are some of the tips we’ve gathered over the years: Focus only on one or two fundraising strategies or events and do them well. Sending a support letter is often most effective. Here you can find some tips and tricks

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fundraising letter

Fundraising Support Letter

Letters are vital to raising support for your mission trip. If you have to choose between letters and events, choose letters. Here’s why: They work. People love to see others serve, and they will respond. Even if they might not go themselves, they can be a part of your experience. Send it to Christians and non-Christians alike. Share WHY this cause is important to you – WHY you want to go on this trip. It’s not just about money. It’s about prayer support. This is absolutely necessary. Any trip that has a spiritual component will have spiritual opposition and requires

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Transform a Child's Life Through Sponsorship

Gyebaleki (hello), my name is Gideon Ernest

  • location


  • 9 yrs. old


Entered the program: January 2019

Gideon lives with his grandmother and several cousins in a two-bedroom house made of burnt bricks and a cement floor. Gideon is the youngest of all the grand children and shares a bed with his grandmother while the rest of the children sleep in the other room on two tiny beds. Every morning, the children go to the community borehole to collect water before they go to school. The kitchen is outside and also houses the goats and chicken that the family keeps. The latrine is in very bad condition and the local authorities have often advised them to repair it but the family has no resources.

Gideon's cousin, Johnson, is also in the Light A Candle program.

Sponsorship Level What's this?

Three $38 sponsorships are needed to cover the complete holistic care of one child. Cover one, two, or three sponsorships.