Nourishing Bodies, Transforming Lives: The Impact of Meals in Kenya

In our Kenya program, the power of meals is undeniably changing lives. Through the Mama Beth Children’s Program, we are witnessing firsthand the profound impact on the children and their families. These meals not only nourish bodies but also keep children in school, restore families, and spread the gospel message. It’s truly remarkable to see the transformative influence a simple meal can have.

Keeping Children in School  

Since Mama Beth’s program began providing lunches at multiple schools, attendance and test scores have risen dramatically. Attendance now stands at 99% because children no longer miss afternoon classes to leave for meals. To address the issue of older children dropping out due to a lack of perceived value in education, we started a preschool to instill the importance of education early on, leading to increased enrollment each year. Our goal is to create a strong foundation for these children, both academically and spiritually.

Restoring Families  

As we strive to create outstanding programs and make a lasting impact, we recognize that some changes only God can bring about. Joe and Sasha joined Mama Beth’s during a very difficult time in their lives. They were deeply hurt by their father’s struggle with alcoholism, which left him unable to provide for the family. However, God was working in their father’s heart. Over time, as he listened to his children talk about the meals they were receiving through our program, he felt convicted to provide better for them.

He eventually joined a rehabilitation program and is now recovering from his addiction, mending his family, and making up for lost time. We are incredibly thankful for our Kenya program and how God is using it to transform not only the lives of children but also the lives of their families.

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Spreading the Gospel 

At Mama Beth’s, children are initially drawn by the opportunity to receive a nutritious meal, but they always hear the gospel message as well. Through various events and teaching tools, many children have come to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.

One example is a recent Vacation Bible School that focused on the theme “I am the vine, you are the branches,” from John 15:5. Organized into age groups, the children learned about the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit. Younger participants explored faithfulness through the life of Abraham and learned how God shapes us for His glory through the story of Joseph. These lessons were conveyed through demonstrations, memory verses, skits, songs, and team-building activities. The teen group focused on the importance of faithfulness to Christ, abiding in Him, and becoming exemplary in conduct, speech, love, faith, and purity (2 Timothy 4:12). As a result, 21 children chose to give their lives to Christ!

The Mama Beth Children’s Program recently introduced a new teaching tool that provides a deeper understanding of the Bible, making it easier to engage with the students. This has led to a profound impact, with many children recently choosing to surrender their lives to Christ. With 53 students across three schools, we thank God for these new believers—all starting from a simple meal.

Thankful and Humbled 

We’re immensely thankful and humbled to witness the transformative power of meals in Kenya through the Mama Beth Children’s Program. With children nourished, education sustained, families reunited, and hearts turned to Jesus, it’s evident that God is working miracles through this program. 


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children's programs

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Transform a Child's Life Through Sponsorship

Gyebaleki (hello), my name is Gift

  • location


  • 15 yrs. old


Entered the program: January 2019

Gift lives with her mother in a three-bedroom house which her mother constructed after being evicted from the house they were renting for failure to pay. Gift’s father passed away when she was young, and they were left with nothing. Her mother does menial labor in other people’s gardens and keeps her own small garden to earn an income.

Sponsorship Level What's this?

Three $38 sponsorships are needed to cover the complete holistic care of one child. Cover one, two, or three sponsorships.