The Power of “Yes”

There is a word—or at least a series of decisions—that determine to a very great extent the story of our lives. In fact, if we fail to use this word and make those decisions, we will never experience the fullness of God’s plans for us. The word is “Yes.” One of the most remarkable freedoms […]
Living on Purpose

by Joseph Anfuso A well-known 19th-century philosopher once said: “He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.” So, what does that mean? It means that someone who’s found a purpose in life—a “why” to live for—can overcome any obstacle in his or her path. It means that if you know why your […]
Proclaiming the Gospel in Word and Deed

by Joseph Anfuso I had no idea in the spring of 1980 that a two-day trip to Nicaragua would not only change the trajectory of my life, but cause me to reimagine Jesus’ commission in Mark 16:15: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” At the time, I was a […]
3 Quick Tips to Keep Pace with Global Partners During a Pandemic

Have you had to cancel or postpone a trip to serve in another country this year? Have you considered repurposing your investment rather than losing it or delaying the opportunity? 1. Repurpose your plan Is there a way to take the plans you have already made and modify them using virtual platforms? Can you offer […]
Let the Wave Say Who We Are

Almost 20 years ago now, I was circling the 60-foot maple tree that stands just yards from my front door, talking to my Heavenly Father. Forward Edge needed to upgrade the training we provided for our short-term mission teams, and I was asking God for guidance. In a matter of seconds, the following concept poured […]
Serendestiny During a Pandemic

If there’s one thing the Covid-19 pandemic has made abundantly clear it’s that none of us are fully in control of our lives. What we can control, though, are our choices. And those choices ultimately determine the story of our lives. Several years ago, I coined a word that conveys what I’m talking about here. […]
Sponsoring a Child During COVID-19

During these times when most of us are ‘social distancing’ and ‘sheltering in place’, we probably have much more time on our hands and yet are unable to be in touch with many of those on our minds. This is especially true of our sponsored children. We know they and their families are experiencing the […]
Lent and Lament

In the midst of Holy Week, we find ourselves in a unique season of self-isolation and deprivation that coincides with the religious tradition of Lent observed by many Christians. Lent is a time of preparation – a period of giving up or sacrificing something in preparation for something better that is coming. The major difference […]
Why Can’t I Instant Message My Sponsored Child?

1.86 billion people log into their Facebook account at least once a month–that’s almost 1/4 of the total global population! This number doesn’t even include other outlets like Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat. People in developing countries are no exception to this global trend, and chances are, the child you sponsor has a social media account too. […]
5 Surefire Ways to Live Joyfully

“Don’t Worry – Be Happy.” It sounds cliché and is easier said than done. Especially when we’re in the midst of something we feel is robbing us of our joy. Difficult times are an unfortunate part of life, but they are also opportunities for growth. Many of us believe, even if unconsciously, that our personal happiness is the result of […]