Children Step Up for Families

Tough Times

It never ceases to amaze me the accomplishments children can achieve, but more importantly and impressively, their hearts behind it. The pandemic has been difficult for everyone, but one of the largest hurdles the families in our programs have had to face is watching the prices for their basic needs increase dramatically. Parents are doing all that they can, going above and beyond working long hours, extra jobs, and difficult jobs to provide for their children. And God has been good and faithful to care for them and take care of their families. 

But in the midst of this we’ve seen something that we didn’t expect: Children desiring to use the hobbies they enjoy to find ways to help provide for their families financially. 

Three Incredible Children

Alexis, María and Enmanuel all live in Cuba and attend our children’s program there. They have each discovered tasks they can complete with their own hands to help provide for their families’ basic needs.  

Alexis learned from a relative to make aluminum rings out of useless coins. He now gives the rings to a friend to sell them, and uses the income to help the family.  

María plants cactuses of different kinds in old various containers and once the plants are established, neighbors come and buy them. María joyfully gives the money to her grandma to buy the loaves of bread they need for the day.   

Enmanuel was given two rabbits and decided this was a good opportunity for him to start a business raising rabbits for extra food and money. With no animal shelter or means to buy anything, Enmanuel began collecting used materials from around the community and built his own make-shift cage for his rabbits.  

None of these children were asked to carry out these duties, but these three amazing kids found ways to help their families meet their most basic needs, while doing something they enjoy. 

Humbly Challenged

I’m humbled as I have learned about these incredible children. They were not asked to help out. They initiated finding a way to help on their own. They found the tools they needed to complete their tasks. And more impressively, they have done so with joy. Enjoying their hobbies and desiring to be a blessing to those they love most.  

We have been gifted with so much and yet we often find ourselves grumbling to complete our tasks. These children do so with a smile and find joy in doing it. They find joy serving. They find joy being used by God to make a difference in the lives of others.  

My prayer is that we too would not only be grateful for the opportunities we have to provide an income for our families, but we’d also find joy in looking for opportunities to bless others. What a difference this would make not only in our own lives, but in the lives of those around us that need a Savior and would see Jesus in us. 

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A New Vision for the Village of Hope

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2021: A Year to Celebrate

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Transform a Child's Life Through Sponsorship

Ka wula (hello), my name is Gideon Nantogman

  • location


  • 9 yrs. old


Entered the program: March 2023

Gideon lives with his parents and three siblings in a two-bedroom house built with mud and roofed with thatch. The family has access to electricity but no potable water. There is a village dam that residents draw water from until it dries up; then, the women and girls of the community have to walk long distances to find other sources. Gideon’s village is very poor and lacks many resources.

Gideon’s family is Christian. Gideon’s mother is a housewife and his father is a small-hold farmer but barely harvests enough to take them through the year. The family usually has only one meal a day. Since joining Create Hope, Gideon can attend school consistently.


Sponsorship Level What's this?

Three $38 sponsorships are needed to cover the complete holistic care of one child. Cover one, two, or three sponsorships.