3 Quick Tips to Keep Pace with Global Partners During a Pandemic
Have you had to cancel or postpone a trip to serve in another country this year? Have you considered repurposing your investment rather than losing it or delaying the opportunity?

1. Repurpose your plan

Is there a way to take the plans you have already made and modify them using virtual platforms? Can you offer other services or resources from your church that would not otherwise be available?

2. Repurpose your people

What if you kept the proposed team intact and rallied them to redirect their time and effort to serve the same ministry in other ways? Could you involve more people who wanted to participate but were not able to make the trip?

3. Repurpose your resources

What if you still raised the funds you were planning to raise and invested them in the ministry site you were planning to serve? What would it look like in this pandemic year to spend more of your budget on much needed food, water, or medical services in these disadvantaged countries?

child sponsorship

Am I Making a Difference?

Ever wonder if you’re really making an impact in the life of the child you sponsor? The very fact that your child knows you chose them shows them they are special and that they matter. They know they’re important to you and also to God, you may even be an

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joseph anfuso

Serendestiny During a Pandemic

If there’s one thing the Covid-19 pandemic has made abundantly clear it’s that none of us are fully in control of our lives. What we can control, though, are our choices. And those choices ultimately determine the story of our lives. Several years ago, I coined a word that conveys

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4 Ways to Minister Across Cultures

Jesus calls us to step outside of ourselves—our own ways of viewing and doing things—if we are to follow him, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself” Matthew 16:24. The same is true when ministering cross-culturally. Ministering to those in a culture different from your own is

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help children

A Tax-Savvy Way To Give

As Christ-followers, we give to others to follow Christ’s example and to invest in His eternal Kingdom. We trust Jesus when he said, “It is better to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). While it should never be the reason why we give, a secondary benefit when we do, in

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Transform a Child's Life Through Sponsorship

Bonjou (hello), my name is Willbe Moises

  • location


  • 12 yrs. old


Entered the program: May 2024

Willbe Moises (who goes by Moises) lives with his aunt and grandmother in a three-room concrete house with an indoor bathroom and an outdoor kitchen. They have running water but no electricity. 

His grandmother is the sole provider and care-taker and sells foodstuffs around the village as a street vendor.

Sponsorship Level What's this?

Three $38 sponsorships are needed to cover the complete holistic care of one child. Cover one, two, or three sponsorships.