Viola’s Story

Viola lives in the slums of Kampala, Uganda with her parents and five siblings. Living conditions in this area are cramped and unsanitary. Viola’s family lives in a small, brick, two-bedroom house. The whole family shares one room and the other one is used to house chickens and a goat that are being raised to sell. 

When the lockdown measures hit the world this spring, each of our programs had to pivot from their normal services at schools, churches and community centers, and venture out with more home visits to care for our children. This cost a bit more, but we knew it was what we needed to do. 

Viola is one of the children our team in Uganda visited. During one of the home visits, we realized that Viola and her siblings were sleeping almost on bare ground. They were sleeping on thin, dirty, browned pieces of pad that had to be put together for one to sleep on, along with torn-up blankets that can hardly bring warmth in the cold.

Our staff realized Viola was one of the children who, whenever they got the chance to meet up with her, either had a cough or flu,  and if not, she was complaining of back and body pains. This could have been a result of the poor sleeping conditions. 

Our Uganda team got together and decided to get two mattresses and three blankets for the family. 

Our Uganda team reports, “The joy, gratitude, and tears in their eyes when receiving the beds and blankets was worth a memory in our hearts and they now sleep comfortably like they should.” 

God used this pandemic to lead our staff to Viola’s home where they discovered this serious need for a real bed. God reached out to Viola with His tangible love not just in spite of this horrible season,  but through it

Christian Charity in Action

Pearl Partner Spotlight: Kenya

This blog is a part of an ongoing series on Forward Edge’s Pearl Partners. Check out our highlights on Cuba and Haiti and enjoy this interview with Jane Wathagana.   20 years ago, Jane Wathagana was a successful businesswoman in Kenya, the Director of Animal World Safaris and Elangata Luxury

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Two Countries, One Purpose

Relationships are everything. And it’s not just those in the U.S. reaching out to other countries; it’s the entire Global Church engaging with and learning from each other. As an organization, we seek to foster and steward those vital relationships. Recently, the director of our Uganda children’s program, Bonny Lugayizi,

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child sponsor

For there are more children to love.

“Sing, barren woman, you who never bore a child; burst into song, shout for joy, you who were never in labor; because more are the children of the desolate woman than of her who has a husband,” says the Lord.   “Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do

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AIDS Orphan Dreams of Being a Doctor

Imagine a child, seven years old, living in a garbage dump and watching both her mother and father die slowly of AIDS-related illnesses. This was reality for Erminia before she joined Forward Edge’s program for at-risk girls in Nicaragua called Village of Hope. If Erminia had continued to grow up

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Transform a Child's Life Through Sponsorship

Ka wula (hello), my name is Seidu Asuro

  • location


  • 10 yrs. old


Entered the program: March 2023

Seidu lives with his parents and grandmother in a two-bedroom house built with mud and roofed with thatch. The house is in a dilapidated condition and in danger of collapse. Sanitation is very poor. The family has access to electricity but no potable water. The village women and girls must fetch water from a local dam or walk long distances to find other sources. This interferes with their ability to work and go to school.

Seidu’s family is Muslim. His father is unemployed and his mother is a housewife; feeding and providing the basic necessities of the children is extremely difficult. Seidu is the only child enrolled in school; he often goes to school without eating.

Sponsorship Level What's this?

Three $38 sponsorships are needed to cover the complete holistic care of one child. Cover one, two, or three sponsorships.