When God Provides: A Widows Prayer Answered

A Mother’s Faith, A Daughter’s Question

In the Naamu community of northern Ghana, where Forward Edge’s program Create Hope Ghana serves the vulnerable, there is a widow named Madam Matha. Recently, she shared a testimony that revealed just how powerfully God has been at work in her family. As the new school year approached, Matha’s daughter expressed a deep worry: how could she attend school without the supplies she needed? Their harvest hadn’t done well, and there was no money left. Feeling the weight of her daughter’s words, Madam Matha simply responded with faith, saying, “The Lord is our provider and He will always provide for us.”

When God Shows Up

What Matha didn’t expect was how quickly that prayer would be answered. Just minutes after the conversation with her daughter, she received a call from Jonathan, our director in Ghana. He was coming to visit, and he had school supplies for the children. When Jonathan arrived the next day, Matha’s daughter ran to her mother and said, “God has heard our prayers.”

Matha was moved to tears by the moment, not only because their material need was met, but because it was a visible reminder that God was listening to them.

God’s Provision Beyond the Physical

“This is not the first time this has happened,” Matha said. In times of need, God has always provided through Create Hope. Food, school supplies, encouragement—what started as material help has become a deeper spiritual blessing for Matha and her family. “You are not just touching our physical lives, but our spiritual lives also,” she shared, “and what you are doing is letting us know we have a Father who loves us and is listening to us.

Madam Matha’s testimony is a beautiful reflection of how the work being done in communities like Naamu extends beyond material aid. It’s about reminding people that they are seen, heard, and loved by a God who provides. Through Forward Edge, lives are being transformed—not just for today, but for eternity.

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One Response

  1. Bless you and your family, Madam Matha. What a life changing experience for all of you. I’ve known Jonathan since he was 17 years old and he has always prayed, listened and obeyed the Lord at every turn. This beautiful example is one of so many that Jonathan, as a Director with Forward Edge and a man of God, has accomplished while listening to the Holy Spirit and acting on His will throughout his life.

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Transform a Child's Life Through Sponsorship

Bonjou (hello), my name is Prince Jonathan

  • location


  • 7 yrs. old


Entered the program: May 2024

Prince (who goes by his middle name, Jonathan) lives with his grandmother and his aunt in two rented rooms of a concrete house owned by someone else. They have no electricity or water and use an outdoor kitchen and latrine. Jonathan's father works but does not provide for him and his mother is unemployed and cannot care for him. His aunt cares for and provides for him with much difficulty. The family usually has only one meal a day.


Sponsorship Level What's this?

Three $38 sponsorships are needed to cover the complete holistic care of one child. Cover one, two, or three sponsorships.