Women of the Word

A Salon Revelation

Getting my hair colored at a beauty salon—an unlikely place to learn about something that changes the focus of your heart and life. But that’s where I first heard about the 20-year war in Uganda, a conflict that was brutally impacting countless children and families. God stirred in me a compassion and passion to help these vulnerable children (and so many more). Within a year, I found myself in Gulu, northern Uganda, on a short-term trip, meeting the resilient and inspiring Acholi people. Despite the years of war, they worshipped God with a joy and freedom I had never experienced. And to say I wasn’t the international mission trip type is an understatement—I didn’t even go camping for vacations. But God knew how to awaken me to the needs and beauty in the body of Christ.

A Growing Burden

From that awakening, the Lord continued to grow my concern for vulnerable children around the world. Fast forward a few years, and I started working at Forward Edge—a dream come true, helping children discover their God-given worth and purpose.

A Return to Uganda

In the summer of 2023, I had the opportunity to lead a video team in Uganda to capture the story of what God was doing in the lives of Bonny, our program director, and Aminah, a precious young lady in the program. The trip took us to Kampala, a city in southern Uganda, quite different from Gulu, where I had been before. In Kampala, people speak a completely different language and belong to different tribes. Uganda, a country shaped by colonization, sees its northern and southern regions as very distinct.

Meeting the Women of the Word

As we wrapped up filming, Bonny told us we were going to meet the women from ‘The Women of the Word Savings and Craft Club.’ I was excited because I owned some of their hand-rolled beaded jewelry and wanted to express how much I loved it. But God had more in store for us all—these were Acholi women originally from the north. These brave women had uprooted their lives during the civil war, moving south to protect their children and give them a future, despite the challenges of adapting to a new language and culture. It was a joy to tell them I had been to their home territory and knew a bit of their story. They were so blessed—there was much hugging and crying all around!

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A Beautiful Impact

Their stories are so beautiful, and I am grateful that Forward Edge has been able to help them. Thanks to the Forward Edge program, their children are all in school. Some of the women have bought land or homes. Others have started or expanded businesses in farming, tailoring, retail, baking, and more, even training younger women in skills they can use to earn a living.

A Grateful Heart

For all of us, it was a reminder that God sees each of us, remembers our stories, and touches our hearts in individual ways. I am thankful that He brought me to meet my sisters, who remain in my heart.

PS – Handmade with Love

The beautiful handmade jewelry created by these amazing women will be for sale in our World Market at the Worth and Purpose Benefit for Children.

mission trips

My Forward Edge Story

I had the pleasure of sitting down with Sheri Stanley, our Director of Operations & Mobilization, to hear her Forward Edge Story. While what we spoke about was only a fraction of God’s incredible works in her life, these significant moments were an inspiration to me, and I hope they

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Viola’s Story

Viola lives in the slums of Kampala, Uganda with her parents and five siblings. Living conditions in this area are cramped and unsanitary. Viola’s family lives in a small, brick, two-bedroom house. The whole family shares one room and the other one is used to house chickens and a goat that

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child sponsor

A Future Rewritten Through Education: Berenice Graduates!

Berenice was used to seeing the same narrative play out around her growing up: a life marked by poverty, wealth inequality, and barriers to education. Most families in her area in Oaxaca, Mexico have traditionally come from smaller villages in search of a better life and are facing severe unemployment

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7 Keys to Effective Mission Trips

For over 35 years, Forward Edge has mobilized more than 20,000 individuals on nearly 1,600 mission teams to many parts of the U.S. and 34 countries. Over this time, we’ve learned tried-and-true principles that allow short-term teams to help without causing harm. 1. Support programs that are directed, designed, and

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Transform a Child's Life Through Sponsorship

Miredita (hello), my name is Eneja

  • location


  • 11 yrs. old


Entered the program: October 2023

Eneja lives with her parents and big brother in a two-room apartment. Their furniture is second-hand but kept very clean. Eneja’s mother lost her eyesight in 2013 and doesn’t work. Her father works as a waiter in a restaurant for a low wage. During the summer he must work long hours so Eneja and her brother look after the house and their mother, as she cannot be alone. This is hard for Eneja but she tries to be happy and positive for others.

Eneja's brother, Dorian, is also in the Corner Stone program.

Sponsorship Level What's this?

Three $38 sponsorships are needed to cover the complete holistic care of one child. Cover one, two, or three sponsorships.